You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: wisdom teeth

Phoning it in

Sorry I’ve been such a lazy blogger lately. Totally lame, I know. My wisdom teeth have been healing really well. I still get food stuck in the holes all the time which is really gross and annoying but bearable. The worst part now is the pain in my front bottom teeth. It’s still really bad. I guess it’s from some nerves being damaged in the surgery and from the research I’ve done it shouldn’t be permanent. Yeah, the shouldn’t part scares me too. My lip is still partially numb and tingly and my front teeth hurt enough that I have to take over the counter meds for them. Anyone else ever have this problem?

Wow, are you all as sick of my teeth as I am? I miss the good ol’ days where I barely ever thought about my mouth. I ate food and didn’t think twice about it getting stuck anywhere (unless it was popcorn). I rarely ate jello. Now, jello is practically a food group. Jello is delicious is delicious though and luckily it hasn’t gotten old yet.

Only a few more days and the dentist says it will be safe for me to drink out a straw again. I cannot wait to have a frappuccino. I have been craving them like mad but I can’t figure out how to drink them unless it’s through a straw. Tomorrow I promise my blog post will be about something other than my teeth. Enjoy something crunchy for me in the mean time.

TV has corrupted me

I can’t suck through a straw because doing so could dislodge a clot from the wound and create a dry socket. (incredibly painful I’ve heard.)

I can’t spit for the same reason. This makes brushing my teeth incredibly annoying and they never feel really clean.

My jaw is still really stiff and sore so I can’t open my mouth very wide. Eating a sandwich or banana is next to impossible.

My life is one big that’s what she said joke.

Pain pills are gone

*sad face*

Not that I love how sleepy and weird they make me feel but my mouth still hurts. I’ve taken the limit of ibuprofen today and still, ow. Of course they would run out over the weekend when there’s nothing I can do about it. I feel like a big baby though. I mean, obviously they do this kind of surgery all the time and gave me as many as I should need right? Why am I still hurting then? Actually, weirdly enough it’s my front bottom teeth that hurt more than my wisdom teeth, although they don’t feel awesome either. One of the risks of the surgery was the nerves being affected and clearly mine were on the bottom. It feels like after you eat corn on the cob and your teeth are full of corn. It’s tingly pressure and it hurts. *sigh*

Sorry it’s not much of a post today but I feel like crap and I hate it. If it’s not better tomorrow I’ll make a call and see what they can do. I guess I’m just a big wimp when it comes to pain. I’m going to try to sleep and hopefully my teeth won’t keep me up.


Dear Ice Packs,

I love you so much. I just want to rub you all over my face. Actually, I plan on doing just that all. day. long. Sexiness.

Dear Pain Meds,

Everyone told me how good you’d be. I’d really appreciate it if you could live up to the hype rather than making me feel nauseous half the time and the other half making it next to impossible to keep my eyes open. I could even live with all that if you’d take the pain away completely. I’m only allowed to take you every four hours and, like clockwork, you start wearing off at about 3-3 1/2. Not cool Pain Meds, not cool.

Dear Mashed Potatoes,

You are delicious. Don’t be mad if, after all this is said and done, we have to take a little break from each other. It’s not that I don’t love you, I do. Once I can chew again I think it would be healthy for both of us if we saw other people for awhile though.

Dear Phoebe,

I’m sorry that I haven’t been much fun the last few days. You don’t need to punish me for it by biting at my legs every time I walk out of the room and asking to go outside every 30 minutes. I also know that you understand what I’m saying to you even though it sounds like I have a mouth full of cotton balls. That big eyed, innocent stare isn’t fooling anyone. I’ll be back to normal soon, can I just get a break until then? Pretty please?

Dear Anyone Who Has Called Me On The Phone The Last Couple Of Days,

Sorry you can’t understand me. I can’t understand me either. I’ll get back to you once my mouth returns to normal.

Dear Shower,

I miss you. We should really have a long reunion tomorrow because it’s been way too long.

Dear Joel,

Wow, I am so lucky to have you! If it wasn’t incredibly mean I would wish that I could take care of you like you’re taking care of me. However, that would require you being this miserable and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I do plan on making it up to you in any way that you’d like. Multiple times. ::wink wink::

Lots of love,


Mashed Potatoes and other stuff about my wisdom teeth

That’s basically what I’ve been living on the last two day. I also ate some Campbells chicken and stars soup. Well, I tried anyway but mostly I ended up sipping the broth. That says a lot about my level of hunger because I hate chicken noodle soup and I hate chicken broth even more. However, after an entire day of eating nothing at all it tasted delicious. We have a fridge full of pudding and jello but for some reason those don’t sound good to me at all. I just want real food I think and sweets just won’t cut it. I’ve always craved salt more than sweets anyway so this shouldn’t really be a surprise to me.

So yeah, I’m surviving. I’m not going to lie, getting wisdom teeth pulled sucks big time. Not the actual surgery because thankfully I don’t remember that at all. It was my first surgery of any kind so I was really scared of, ya know, dying. I decided to go under general anesthesia and any time you do that there’s a risk of death. However, I was more scared of being awake during the surgery. So I guess in my mind getting teeth pulled = scarier than death. Yep.

Like I mentioned yesterday, as far as I’ve been told I didn’t do anything crazy after I came out of it. I did however, cry like a baby. I very vaguely remember this. Poor Joel thought it was because I was in pain. I don’t remember being in pain, I just wanted to cry. Joel said the nurse told him “Oh that’s totally normal. These drugs make girls cry.” Like I said, very foggy memories of all this.

Other than some nauseous and counting down the minutes until I could take more pain meds the first day everything else has been pretty ok. I don’t love how I feel but it could be worse. I’m a little swollen but somehow have managed to avoid looking like a total chipmunk so far. I’m pretty sure it’s just because I already have an incredibly round face to begin with so the swelling just blends in. *shrug* I hope I didn’t just jinx myself. If I wake up tomorrow looking like a bobble head you’ll know why.

The best part of all this is the treatment I’m getting from Joel. His concern is completely adorable. He won’t let me do anything except lie around, twitter, catch up on blogs and watch movies. I’m being treated like a total princess and I’m not gonna lie, I’m loving it. If he’s home he even gets my meds for me. I know it’s mushy but he really deserves a shout out for all this because I couldn’t ask for a better caretaker. *cue awwws*

So yeah, that’s pretty much the update. I spared you any of the gory details so you’re welcome. Let’s just say I took a look inside my mouth and had to sit down because it made me light headed. I’ve never been good about the sight of my own wounds (I’m a fainter). If any of you have any food options that aren’t sweet but don’t need to be chewed I’m all ears. Mashed potatoes are delicious but I wouldn’t mind some variety too.

Also, thanks to everyone for the well wishes and stories. I can barely talk and that would drive me crazy if I didn’t have my twitter buddies to chat with. You all are the best *group hug*


I got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled today.

I lived.

Also? Ouch!

Joel is treating me like a princess though. His concern is so sweet and adorable, I’m a very lucky girl. Instead of going into any gory details I’ll just be thankful I didn’t do anything silly like this kid.

Or maybe I should just be glad our video camera is broken. Things have been a little fuzzy today…

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