You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Month: December 2008

Best Christmas Ever

As a flight attendant it’s very hard to get holidays off. This year was no exception and I was scheduled to be on call Christmas day. I actually got Christmas Eve off and then moved a few days around so that I worked a lot leading up to Christmas. I made up my mind that as long as I got Christmas morning off I would be content. When it came down to it, God smiled on me and somehow I wasn’t called all day long. It was the best Christmas present I could have gotten. I will let the pictures from the day tell my story for me.


We spent Christmas eve at my Grandpa’s house as is our tradition. Here is Hunter snuggling Grandpa while we were watching The Polar Express.


My grandma and the newest member of our family, Jordan.


Joel and I spent the night at my parents house and this is what we were greeted with Christmas morning. My family is so blessed.


It was baby Jordan’s first Christmas. Isn’t he adorable?


My dad, Anthony, Naomi and Bekah waiting to open presents.


What’s a dinosaur say? “Grrrrrr!”


Hunter was being a helpful cousin and feeding baby Jordan.


My mom was really surprised by her Christmas gift.


My littlest little sister Anna


Liz has a little trouble with directions sometimes so this will come in really handy.


Madison was such a good little puppy and slept right in the middle of all the presents.


My mom made her famous biscuits and gravy for Christmas brunch, yum!

That evening we went over to my brother’s house and had Christmas dinner with them.


I can’t imagine the day being any more perfect. I hope everyone’s Christmas was equally full of fun, laughter and magic. Merry Christmas!

You pay the same

for this little ornament as you do for a drink here at Starbucks. Yes, I’m a sucker for just about anything Starbucks. At least the ornament lasts forever.

Christmas Baking

Today we went to my Grandparents house to bake Christmas cookies. Yum!

“Professional Wrapper”

Wrapping presents is probably my favorite thing about Christmas. *big smile*

Christmas Trees

This weekend I went to Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry with some of my family to see their Christmas Around the World trees.

The main tree in the center of the museum.

Here are Joel and I in front of the disappointingly boring Swiss Christmas tree. Eh, oh well.

After checking out the trees we Fast Forwarded to the Future!


This is where Hunter was caught driving without a licence, oops! Luckily he got off with a warning.

When we came back from the future I realized my work was following me. Can’t I have one day off without being on an airplane?

If you’re a Staub you know how to CHEESE it up!

Speaking of cheesing it… My little sister Anna was extremely amused by the different colored stairs, especially the BLUE stairs.

That was my weekend. It’s always nice spending time with my family especially the ones I don’t see that often. Love you guys!! *mwah!*

My Little Dutch Holiday

I was feeling rather “homesick” so I decided to take a trip over to my second home, The Netherlands. Reason number 53 why I love my job: I fly standby and was lucky enough to get seat 1F. Yeah that’s right, first class baby. Ah! It was amazing. I ate a delicious meal, watched a movie and then laid my chair back and slept like a baby until it was time for breakfast. This is how an airline can treat their employees like crap and still keep them around because once you’ve flown somewhere like that it’s hard to imagine going back to seat 36E, back of the plane, middle seat.

Anyway, I got there without a hitch and feeling very rested I hopped on a train and made my way to Rotterdam to see my lovely Dutch family. It was a really fun, relaxing several days where I was able to just blend into their everyday life again and hang out with my girl. It was great. Then at the end of the week we celebrated Sinterklaas with Ineke’s sister Thea’s family. They were the family that I helped out three and a half years ago in Romania when their youngest was born.

Here are a couple pictures from my days there:

My little princess loved playing with my hair. She actually wasn’t bad at doing braids.

One of my favorite winter time treats over there is an oliebol. It’s a deep fried pastry dusted with powdered sugar and it typically has raisins in it although you can get many different varieties. It’s kind of like a giant donut hole actually. They only make them from mid November to early January.  They are absolutely delicious!

My iPhone was very popular with the kids because of the games. I barely got it back from them, haha. (I guess we know what will be on the list for next Sinterklaas, huh Ineke? *wink*)

For those of you who don’t know about Sinterklaas you can read about him here. Basically, Sinterklaas hands out gifts on the eve of his birthday in sacks like these.

Sinterklaas hid these in the basement of Thea’s house and left a note so the kids could discover them later.

Think there were enough? Sinterklaas even knew I was there somehow. Thanks again for all my beautiful presents Sinterklaas *wink*.

Another tradition is writing poems that tease the receiver of the gift and/or hint at what the present is.

Caroline is getting so freaking big! When I first got there she was only one, now she just turned six and she could read her own poem (with just a little help). *sigh*

Speaking of growing up, here is little Sam who I last saw when he was born! Now he’s three and absolutely adorable. If you look carefully at his mouth you can see he’s already had plenty of the candy that he’s eyeing.

So my visit this time was short but sweet. It was great seeing everyone again and hearing Dutch all around me. It just feels like home over there. As icing on the cake I even got a first class seat coming back home! It was a lot of fun and hopefully it won’t be too long before my company sponsors a trip back there for me. *crosses fingers*

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