You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

37 Weeks


I am officially full term.



And the way I’m feeling, this baby can’t come soon enough.

This morning I was lying in bed feeling my little guy wiggle around and suddenly, BAM! Foot shot right to the ribs so hard I actually heard an audible pop. Of course there was that split second where I paused to decide how much it hurt. I quickly decided he did not break the rib so I can only assume that the pop was it moving out of place slightly. It’s been tender all day. Probably doesn’t help that the area on and under that rib is the ONLY spot he likes to kick anymore. Stinker.

Great news at the doctor this week. Baby is head down and obviously very strong and healthy. My culture for Group B Strep also came back negative so I don’t have to have an IV during labor at all (baring complications of course). I love that I’m birthing at a hospital that will allow me to labor without even a hep-lock. I really hate needles. Really. I wasn’t checked for dilation or anything, not sure when they will start checking that. I have a feeling there’s no progress though considering the fact that he lives in my lungs. I miss oxygen.

I found a couple little stretch marks on my side. Or at least I’m pretty sure they’re new. I had a freakish growth spurt as a child (I was 5’3″ at 11 years old, I’m only 5’4″ now.) so I already had some on my sides and thighs. I’m pretty sure they’re new though so womp womp. I’m at least hoping they stay in that general area and don’t start showing up on my actual stomach. If that’s the case I will be a super happy camper. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I also now have a linea nigra officially. This I think is kind of cool. Not really sure why, but I like it. Plus I know it fades (right?).

Birthing class finished this past Sunday so that deserves a big old CHECK. Now just waiting to put all we learned into practice.

We’ve been making some serious progress with baby stuff. Took me long enough right? I don’t know, I guess I’ve been kind of in denial that this whole thing is actually happening. Like, I’m going to be bringing home an actual human child instead of just being pregnant for forever. I guess being pregnant for basically an entire year will do that to you. Anyway, we have all his newborn sized clothes washed, folded and put in a box under the bed. We have really limited storage in our apartment so we opted to get one of those under the bed bins for his clothes.


And even with the biggest one we could find that would fit under the bed it’s still bursting at the seams. Such a spoiled little man already.

We also got the bassinet assembled so Wesley will actually have a place to sleep. And by we I mean Joel of course.


There’s a fun little time lapse of the whole process on Joel’s blog if you want to check it out.

We don’t have much planned for this coming week except more getting ready for the baby. We are making an appointment with the police department to check out our car seat installation. I found the pediatrician we want so all I need to do is call the insurance company and make it official. We still need to pack the hospital bags and buy his coming home outfit.

Speaking of packing the hospital bags, I’m a bit lost on what I might pack food-wise for myself. I’m allowed to eat and drink during labor but I know laboring women generally don’t want much. What were your food and drink essentials during labor?


Surprise Baby Shower!


In which I look ridiculous


  1. YAY full term!!! I hear you on being pregnant forever…I’m wondering if my baby will ever make an appearance. I literally sit there some days and just wait for something to happen. We have limited space, too, and those under-the-bed containers are lifesavers!

    • Yeah my sister gave me the idea for the under the bed storage and it is truly a lifesaver. I was completely overwhelmed before and was half convinced we’d just use our futon in the living room for his clothes forever, haha. Hope your little one decides to make her appearance soon!

  2. How exciting! Congrats on making it to Full Term!

    • Thanks! I can hardly believe I’m full term already. Seems like it went so fast and took so long at the same time.

  3. I wanted a granola bar SO BAD. One of those chewy ones with chocolate chips in them. Ice water was fine to drink, didn’t really care to have anything else. Maybe some fruit snacks would have been nice. And although it’s nice to have a number, to say “I’m xxx centimeters dilated” because it feels like something is happening… they don’t mean anything. I was 3 cm for 3+ weeks. So excited for you! Get some sleep, sleep whenever you want, and enjoy these last days as a family of 2!

    • Fruit snacks are a great idea, thanks!

      And I know the dilation doesn’t mean much which is why I’m not too worried about when they’ll start checking me. They just haven’t mentioned it so I’m wondering if they plan on it before I actually go into labor. Maybe I’ll ask next time.

  4. My doctors office never checked me for progress. They said it doesn’t mean anything and they only check if you go over your due date (Logan came the day before due date) so I never knew.

    As for food, I was so paranoid about being sick during labor that I ate a big healthy dinner before we called to head into the hospital (I went in at 9:30pm) and then didn’t want anything besides water and ice chips after that. I contemplated a popcicle for a minute. I brought granola bars, mints and vitamin water which ended up being great for when it was 2am and I was up nursing and hungry. 🙂

    • Yeah I’m a bit worried about getting sick during labor since I’ve had such a rough time with nausea this whole pregnancy. We’ll see.

  5. Looking at your basinet makes me miss my baby sleeping in the pack-n-play next to my bed. She’s so big!

    FULL TERM IS SO EXCITING though! Congratulations! 🙂

    • I am kind of blown away at how tiny the bassinet is. I don’t know what I expected but he’s going to be so itty bitty to fit in there! Eep!

  6. Looking at your basinet makes me miss my baby sleeping in the pack-n-play next to my bed. She’s so big!

    FULL TERM IS SO EXCITING though! Congratulations! 🙂

    • I am kind of blown away at how tiny the bassinet is. I don’t know what I expected but he’s going to be so itty bitty to fit in there! Eep!

  7. I love the name! My first thought was, eeeh The Princess Bride, it’s practically the same!
    Why do you need to go to the police department to get the car seat checked?

    • Yes! I love The Princess Bride and I can’t believe we didn’t think about that when we picked it. Nice bonus though.

      Proper car seat installation is super important or it can make it unsafe. The local police department does courtesy checks to show us how to install it correctly.

  8. I love the name! My first thought was, eeeh The Princess Bride, it’s practically the same!
    Why do you need to go to the police department to get the car seat checked?

    • Yes! I love The Princess Bride and I can’t believe we didn’t think about that when we picked it. Nice bonus though.

      Proper car seat installation is super important or it can make it unsafe. The local police department does courtesy checks to show us how to install it correctly.

  9. I am very excited for you…and you look great – you appear to be all belly to me! I LOVED being pregnant and always said I wish I could be about 6 months pregnant for the rest of my life..I know, a little weird. You also sound like you are very ready and prepared…as for those snacks, one thing people don’t think of is pack snacks for hubby too!!! I had REALLY long labors and knew my husband would need food. I am way past the pregnancy stage (my youngest is now 9) so I’m going to live vicariously through you now!

    • Thanks! And Joel is definitely packing plenty of snacks for himself. We’re going to Costco today actually to stock up, especially on caffeinated beverages for him.

  10. I am very excited for you…and you look great – you appear to be all belly to me! I LOVED being pregnant and always said I wish I could be about 6 months pregnant for the rest of my life..I know, a little weird. You also sound like you are very ready and prepared…as for those snacks, one thing people don’t think of is pack snacks for hubby too!!! I had REALLY long labors and knew my husband would need food. I am way past the pregnancy stage (my youngest is now 9) so I’m going to live vicariously through you now!

    • Thanks! And Joel is definitely packing plenty of snacks for himself. We’re going to Costco today actually to stock up, especially on caffeinated beverages for him.

  11. What an exciting time for you – congrats on being full term! Both my kids arrived during my 37th week, big and healthy. As for food and drink during labor – I didn’t want anything, but I was thirsty. Maybe some fruit that is mostly water – like a plum or apple.

    And just think of those stretch marks as badges of honor 🙂

  12. What an exciting time for you – congrats on being full term! Both my kids arrived during my 37th week, big and healthy. As for food and drink during labor – I didn’t want anything, but I was thirsty. Maybe some fruit that is mostly water – like a plum or apple.

    And just think of those stretch marks as badges of honor 🙂

  13. Amy

    What an exciting time for you! Best wishes through it all. 🙂

  14. Amy

    What an exciting time for you! Best wishes through it all. 🙂

  15. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! You look like a very happy mommy! I wish you the best in the upcoming weeks! It is such an exciting time—

  16. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! You look like a very happy mommy! I wish you the best in the upcoming weeks! It is such an exciting time—

  17. Oh you are almost there! yay!!! 40 weeks is a freaking long time to be pregnant!! As for your question on food and drinks, I don’t remember being very hungry, but I was so thirsty! I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything though until after, and I remember practically inhaling a ham and cheese sandwich and a gingerale! mmm yum!

    • Yeah, I’ve been missing cold lunch meat like crazy. I already have it on request to have a Subway Spicy Italian sub waiting for me when I’m done with labor. Nom.

  18. Oh you are almost there! yay!!! 40 weeks is a freaking long time to be pregnant!! As for your question on food and drinks, I don’t remember being very hungry, but I was so thirsty! I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything though until after, and I remember practically inhaling a ham and cheese sandwich and a gingerale! mmm yum!

    • Yeah, I’ve been missing cold lunch meat like crazy. I already have it on request to have a Subway Spicy Italian sub waiting for me when I’m done with labor. Nom.

  19. Sue

    Hi, oh how wonderful to be bringing home your new son and I really like the name Wesley!! I remember making the most delish dinner with chocolate cake for dessert and then went into labor and did not eat any of the dinner being afraid to get sick during labor. I wish you and your husband such joy and happiness.

    • Thanks, we’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback about the name so far so I’m super happy about that.

  20. Sue

    Hi, oh how wonderful to be bringing home your new son and I really like the name Wesley!! I remember making the most delish dinner with chocolate cake for dessert and then went into labor and did not eat any of the dinner being afraid to get sick during labor. I wish you and your husband such joy and happiness.

    • Thanks, we’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback about the name so far so I’m super happy about that.

  21. Excited to read up more on YOUR blog! You are having an exciting time too this week! I hope baby Wesley makes an appearance soon, for the sake of your ribs that is. 🙂

    • Yeah, my ribs would love him out. My to-do list however? Well it wouldn’t mind another week or two, haha.

  22. Excited to read up more on YOUR blog! You are having an exciting time too this week! I hope baby Wesley makes an appearance soon, for the sake of your ribs that is. 🙂

    • Yeah, my ribs would love him out. My to-do list however? Well it wouldn’t mind another week or two, haha.

  23. You’re so close!

  24. You’re so close!

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