You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Good dog

Phoebe really is such a good dog. She’s tiny but unlike most little dogs get isn’t nippy and she’s really great with kids. Don’t believe me? Here she is with my two year old nephew Jordan.

Jordan: “Come here Phoebe! Cuddle me!

Squishy puppy! Her face is kind of says ::sigh:: really?!

Joel said he thought Jordan was trying to perform the Vulcan mind meld on her. We do call him Jordie after all. Don’t worry, I made sure he didn’t actually put his fingers in her eyes.

This was the last picture I took. She was ready to get down but there was no growling or lip curling. She was totally resigned to the cuddles and pulling.

Seriously I don’t know how I ended up with such a great dog. There are a lot of things I’m worried about when I think about having my own kids. Whether or not Phoebe will get along with the babies however, isn’t one of them.

I love that sweet little girl.


Little black rain cloud


Updated: Best Caption


  1. strawbrykiwi

    Awww!!!! So happy to see patient miss Phoebe!

  2. That's a good dog.

    My smaller dog? WOuld not put up with this kind of treatment.

    Not even.

    And then my photos of this encounter?

    Would be all blood and bandaids.

    No nearly as cute.

    • Ha! Yeah blood and band aids are way less cute…

      than most anything actually.

      But yeah, she puts up with a lot from kids. I'm so happy about that.

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