You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: cuddles

Weekly Wesley: Twenty one


This week we bought Wesley an amber teething necklace. I haven’t really noticed any signs of teething yet but better to get it before they start, right?


Honestly, I kind of don’t believe it actually does anything. It was pretty cheap and I think it looks kind of adorable though so who knows, maybe it’s magical after all.

One thing I’ve been working on with Wesley is having him sleep anywhere other than pressed up against me. As much as I love this,


I’m ready to be able to have a conversation with Joel in the evening or get something done during nap time. So far it’s going okay. We have a futon in the living room so when it’s time for a nap I lie down with him and then very slowly ease away.



We’ve yet to go very long without him rooting around for me and me having to quickly lie back down next to him and pop my boob in his mouth but just being able to get up at all is a start.

Towards the end of the week we got pictures taken of the cousins. It was… interesting.


We had them done at JCPenny and let’s just say I’m glad it was a Groupon because if I had been paying their prices I would have been pissed. I made the appointment well ahead of time, although not as far ahead as I wanted because it took three days of calling to even get a hold of anyone despite the voicemail recording promising a call back. When I booked the appointment I made sure to tell them it would be seven little boys, ages 4 months to 8 years.

So why they decided to staff a trainee is beyond me. I’m almost positive I could have gotten better pictures. She kept taking the pictures just before they’d look or get a giant chunk of the light in the frame. They also refused to listen to what we wanted and insisted on multiple background colors when we only wanted one and taking individual photos when we only wanted group shots. They also spent a ridiculous amount of time editing lame “enhancements” (read 90’s looking fades and vignettes) in front of us while we waited to pick our shots. I even told her we weren’t going to purchase anything with enhancements like that but she “had to do it.” So we waited and waited while trying to corral 7 restless boys who had already sat still for far too long.

The Groupon deal came with five photos and we seriously only picked four because there were only that many halfway decent ones. And one isn’t even a group shot, it’s a lucky cute shot of Wesley. When they’re ready in two weeks (!!!) I’ll post them but it was not magic, let me tell you.

Other than that it’s just been all packing all week. This is about how I feel about it.


Hate. Moving.

This Saturday is the big day and it can’t come soon enough… and it’s coming too fast because omg we have so much to do still.

Other milestones:

  • We took Wesley to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. Obviously not for his benefit, it was for his cousin’s birthday. Despite the over stimulation his did really well and was just quiet and fascinated with all the noise and lights the whole time.


  • I read Wesley Dr. Seuss for the first time and he was in awe. He just kept staring at my face and then at the book and then back at my face. I think he’s going to be as big of a fan as his mommy.


(so mad at the stupid iPhone for messing up the focus on this one. Had to post it anyway because best. face. ever.)

  • I don’t want to jinx it but Mr. Dude has started to be okay in the car. He still cries about 40-50% of the time but that is a massive improvement so I’ll take it.


Other favorite photos from the week:


Wesley has been getting so excited when Joel comes home from work every day. Melts my heart.


Sweet deliciously clean baby.


It’s too bad he’s never happy or anything.


My tiny old man says, “Jolly good, ta ta for now.”

Weekly Wesley: Fourteen


This past week mister dude turned three months old. I already published the official photo but here are a few outtakes.


Funny faced close up.


It took us a couple tries to actually get the shot because little man was not a happy camper.


A boy and his dog.

Another big thing this week was we celebrated the Fourth of July!


That meant Joel had a really short week of work so we spent it napping.


And cuddling.


And going to the drive-in.


Other milestones:

  • Wesley actually discovered his foot. It was the most hilarious thing ever. All of the sudden it caught his eye and he could not stop staring at it.



Weekly Wesley: Fourteen


This past week mister dude turned three months old. I already published the official photo but here are a few outtakes.


Funny faced close up.


It took us a couple tries to actually get the shot because little man was not a happy camper.


A boy and his dog.

Another big thing this week was we celebrated the Fourth of July!


That meant Joel had a really short week of work so we spent it napping.


And cuddling.


And going to the drive-in.


Other milestones:

  • Wesley actually discovered his foot. It was the most hilarious thing ever. All of the sudden it caught his eye and he could not stop staring at it.



The sweetness of now

Dear Son,

I hope it doesn’t hurt your feelings when I tell you I was dreading the newborn phase. I heard so many just-you-waits and horror stories of colic and sleepless nights. I was kind of terrified.

I never did well without sleep. Frankly I became quite the bitch without a full 8+ hours. Plus the dirty diapers and the cracked and bleeding nipples and the hormones… I always thought of newborns as cute, I just liked being able to hand them back off to their parents after a few minutes. Being responsible for one 24/7? Yikes.

I always joked that I just wanted to adopt a kindergartener, because that’s when kids really become interesting.

Then there was you.


Your birth was beautiful. It was everything I hoped and dreamed it would be. I didn’t love pregnancy but I would give birth a hundred times if every one was like yours. When they put you on my stomach I couldn’t believe you were real. You were perfect.

You took to nursing like it was the most natural thing in the whole world. I couldn’t believe how much I loved breastfeeding. It didn’t hurt like I expected. It was complete bliss right from the beginning. You wanted to nurse almost round the clock.


You also want to be held round the clock. Every once in awhile you’ll be happy to be set down for 20 or 30 minutes and even that is a fairly new development. If I want to be sure you’ll stay asleep and content I have to hold you.

At first this was overwhelming and frustrating to me. People say to sleep when the baby sleeps. Well it’s difficult to do that when the baby doesn’t want to be put down. Ever. Also, I watch the mess pile up around me. I call the futon my nest. I have pillows and snacks and a phone charger surrounding me on it. Most days I don’t leave my nest except to go to the bathroom, change your diaper and grab more food and water.


I found myself wishing you’d let me put you down.

And then I realized, this isn’t forever. Already there was that one time you slept in the mamaRoo for an hour. You won’t always need to be pressed up against me to stay asleep.


Right now you need me. Completely. That is wonderful and terrible at the same time. I am your only source of food and often your only source of comfort. I have had moments of wishing that away.

But no more. You need me all you want, little man. There is nothing in the world that is more important than me being there for you right now.


I look at your sweet face and it’s already changed so much in the six weeks you’ve been alive. You already are awake and alert more and more every day. Before I know it you’ll be too busy exploring your world to be bothered with cuddles. Before I know it your head will have more than just wispy fuzz. Before I know it you’ll lose that sweet milky breath. Before I know it you’ll chunk out and become more than just an armful of sweet squish.

Before I know it you’ll be that kindergartener I was wishing for.

Only the thing is, when I was dreading having a newborn, when I was bracing myself to just get through these days until I got to the “better” years, when I was thinking how I “can’t wait” for ____ milestone I didn’t realize I’d end up with a sweet newborn like you.


Wesley, you are better than I ever dreamed you’d be. I was foolish to want to skip any of this. You take your time growing up. I know there will be times when things are hard, there already have been. But these moments of neediness? These all day cuddles? These I won’t wish away. They can find me buried under a pile of granola bar wrappers for all I care.


Because everything else besides you can wait. Thank you for making me a mommy.

Weekly Wesley: Six


The best thing about this week was Mother’s Day. I’ll write more about it in detail later but it was a beautiful day.


So happy that this little boy made me a mommy.

The rest of the week was pretty laid back so I’m just going to post my favorite pictures I took this week. Wesley’s more interesting than my ramblings anyway right?


This little guy is kind of a master at escaping swaddles. The special swaddling blankets kind of help but more often than not I wake up to something like this.


This is his milk drunk face. Sleepy, happy goodness.


I’m not positive about what was so funny but I think Wesley was pooping. Loudly. Wesley was clearly not as amused as we were.


Sweet baby boy sleeping in his daddy’s arms.


Joel misses Wesley’s best time which is late morning. That is when he is all smiles and coos. Joel makes up for it on the weekends. Bonus for me? I get to doze extra while they bond. Everyone wins.


Sweet tiny baby hands while nursing.


Wesley has learned to love bath time, although you can’t exactly tell by the way he’s looking at me in this picture. He was enjoying himself though, trust me.

Other milestones:

  • I got my first smile while nursing. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the fact that I was Wesley’s only source of food and often comfort. Then the next day he looks up at me while nursing and gives me the biggest grin. Worth it.
  • We forgot the diaper bag on an outing for the first time. Since the store we were at sold diapers and even baby clothes we decided to risk it. He ended up sleeping through the whole trip so we didn’t have to buy emergency supplies. So it was a parent fail but we turned it into a win. We’re just talented like that.

Weekly Wesley: Six


The best thing about this week was Mother’s Day. I’ll write more about it in detail later but it was a beautiful day.


So happy that this little boy made me a mommy.

The rest of the week was pretty laid back so I’m just going to post my favorite pictures I took this week. Wesley’s more interesting than my ramblings anyway right?


This little guy is kind of a master at escaping swaddles. The special swaddling blankets kind of help but more often than not I wake up to something like this.


This is his milk drunk face. Sleepy, happy goodness.


I’m not positive about what was so funny but I think Wesley was pooping. Loudly. Wesley was clearly not as amused as we were.


Sweet baby boy sleeping in his daddy’s arms.


Joel misses Wesley’s best time which is late morning. That is when he is all smiles and coos. Joel makes up for it on the weekends. Bonus for me? I get to doze extra while they bond. Everyone wins.


Sweet tiny baby hands while nursing.


Wesley has learned to love bath time, although you can’t exactly tell by the way he’s looking at me in this picture. He was enjoying himself though, trust me.

Other milestones:

  • I got my first smile while nursing. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the fact that I was Wesley’s only source of food and often comfort. Then the next day he looks up at me while nursing and gives me the biggest grin. Worth it.
  • We forgot the diaper bag on an outing for the first time. Since the store we were at sold diapers and even baby clothes we decided to risk it. He ended up sleeping through the whole trip so we didn’t have to buy emergency supplies. So it was a parent fail but we turned it into a win. We’re just talented like that.

Good dog

Phoebe really is such a good dog. She’s tiny but unlike most little dogs get isn’t nippy and she’s really great with kids. Don’t believe me? Here she is with my two year old nephew Jordan.

Jordan: “Come here Phoebe! Cuddle me!

Squishy puppy! Her face is kind of says ::sigh:: really?!

Joel said he thought Jordan was trying to perform the Vulcan mind meld on her. We do call him Jordie after all. Don’t worry, I made sure he didn’t actually put his fingers in her eyes.

This was the last picture I took. She was ready to get down but there was no growling or lip curling. She was totally resigned to the cuddles and pulling.

Seriously I don’t know how I ended up with such a great dog. There are a lot of things I’m worried about when I think about having my own kids. Whether or not Phoebe will get along with the babies however, isn’t one of them.

I love that sweet little girl.

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