You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

40 weeks

Hi due date!


We made it to 40 weeks.

I picked this shirt for my 40 week picture on purpose because I thought it might be fun to see how accurate those belly pillows are at Motherhood. If you follow me on Instagram you may remember when I posted this:


I was 25 weeks at the time and the belly was supposed to add three months.


And three and half months later? It’s not too far off actually. Thankfully my actual belly looks less like a lumpy pillow.

Anyway, on to pregnancy news. Obviously Wesley decided to be an individual and not come on the 17th. That’s okay, at this point I’m happy with any birth day he chooses.


Hear that, Wesley?

Obviously I’d prefer it be sooner rather than later.

This morning was rough. I woke up feeling like crap. Thinking maybe I just needed to eat, I had breakfast… and proceeded to see it in reverse. Ugh. Seriously, at 40 weeks I should not still be suffering from morning sickness. My body is a cruel, cruel bitch sometimes.

So of course after that I had a massive meltdown. I texted Joel that he needed to come home right now (as opposed to in ten minutes when he was planning on leaving to pick me up for our appointment.) I’m sure he probably thought I was in labor. Oops, sorry babe. Anyway, he calmed me down and assured me that I would not in fact be pregnant and nauseated forever and we managed to make it into our appointment on time.

Thankfully the appointment went great. I had a non stress test and found out I was actually having contractions. Who knew? I couldn’t feel them but apparently they were there. Wesley tolerated them great and was wiggling and kicking up a storm. Pretty sure he wasn’t a fan of the pressure the belts put on my belly because he kept kicking right on them.


Ignore my puffy eyes. That’s what a hysterical meltdown right before an appointment gets you.

The midwife asked if I wanted to be checked and I decided to go ahead and find out. (Yes, I’m about to talk about my cervix so if that’s not your thing move on to the next paragraph.) I honestly didn’t expect to be dilated at all and to get super discouraged but I just needed to know. Thankfully it was great news! The first thing she said was that she can feel his head. He’s apparently really low, like 0 or even -1 station. I guess that’s why it feels like he’s taking a pair of scissors to my cervix half the time, he is IN my pelvis. I’m also dilated to 3cm, and 60% effaced. Apparently that’s really good for a first time mom. happy dance. She asked if I wanted her to sweep my membranes and since I’m already a bit dilated I said sure. It was uncomfortable for sure but honestly not worse than Wesley’s head banging against it all day. I’ve noticed some of my mucous plug now since I’ve gone to the restroom a couple times. Being excited about seeing mucus when you wipe has to be the weirdest thing ever but if I hadn’t been in a public restroom I may have shouted Woo Hoo! out loud. Pregnancy is so glamorous you guys.

All of that may not mean that he’s coming in the next day or two but at least there is something going on. We didn’t discuss induction or anything, I’m just coming back to be monitored every three days or so and if I make it to 41 weeks (oh god, please no) we’ll do a sonogram to make sure everything still looks okay. It’s really great to have care providers that aren’t rushing me. I know that isn’t always the case and it’s great to feel respected and well taken care of.

So we wait. It’s so annoying being in this limbo. I feel like I can’t make any plans because who knows if the baby will be here or coming or whatever. I’m trying to still enjoy this down time. Joel and I have been doing a lot of cuddling and watching movies and just being quiet. I’ve gotten some video clips of Wesley moving around my belly. I miss Phoebe like mad and I can’t wait to meet Wesley but I really am trying to appreciate these last few moments with just Joel. So soon everything will be completely different.


10 things that will make me cry or want to punch you in the throat




  1. I totally feel you on the morning sickness. I was sick with both of my kids for the entire pregnancy including labor! It’s almost over. Hang in there momma!

    • I think more than anything the nausea gets me down. All the rest I can handle without too much issue. Puking has to be my least favorite thing in the world though. Sorry you had to deal with it too.

  2. Wow – so exciting, I can’t belive you’re so close to meeting your wee one now!
    I’m really looking forward to hearing your news.

  3. Wow, you look SO amazing for a 40 week preggo! Hang in there, he’s coming out soon! Can’t wait to hear…

  4. Love this! I’m impressed that you look so true to size according to the “pillow belly!”

    Than again, you look amazing for 40 weeks!

    • Isn’t it crazy how accurate that pillow was? When I put it on I was like “woah, no way!” but sure enough, it was spot on.

  5. You look amazing for 40 weeks! Ah. Screw that. You simply look amazing.

    I remember my doctor telling me that often times the hormones that lead to dilation can be nauseating. So if you feel nauseous again or get sick MAYBE it’ll be a good thing. See! GLASS HALF FULL! Let’s be optimisitic.


    Good job, Wesley and Wesley’s mama!


    GO TEAM!!

    Erm. Sorry. Got a bit carried away rooting for you to birth Wesley soon.

    By the way, if he’s born on the 26th he will share a birthday with Leonard Nimoy (aka Mr Spock)!

    • Aw, thanks. And thanks for the compliment with and without the qualifier, haha.

      Also, I am now totally hoping he is born tomorrow (the 26th) because Spock is my all time favorite Star Trek character and Leonard Nimoy is amazing.

  6. And you’re still blogging at 40 weeks :). I remember having a non-stress test too. I’m so excited for you. Stay strong! Wesley, don’t make it too hard for your mom 🙂

  7. Congrats on making it to 40 weeks! Be prepared for hysterical meltdowns post baby too!

  8. I bet you he’s out now!! Congrats momma 😉

  9. You look AMAZING for 40 weeks! I’m really hoping he’s here by now!!! 😉

  10. Oh god, you look sooo cute!! What an exciting time too. I hope bubs doesn’t make the wait too uncomfortable.

    • Aw thanks! It’s not too bad. The only thing that really gets to me is the nausea but even that has been pretty okay the last day or so. Yay!

  11. Is he here yet??
    I hope so, and can’t wait to see an update!

    • Nope, unfortunately not here yet. Promise to post at least a little update as soon as he decides to get this show on the road though.

  12. Yay for 40 weeks. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he’s already here. Can’t wait to hear the good news! 🙂

    xo, Yi-chia

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