You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

34 Weeks


All my shirts have to be worn with a long tank top under them now. Otherwise, as you can see from the picture, my underbelly would get cold.

I brought up my belly button to my midwife yesterday. Not because I’m worried about it but because I knew she’d see it anyway when she measured me and checked the heartbeat (both perfect by the way. He’s a healthy growing boy). She just said, “Oh yeah that will happen” and that unless I saw drainage I shouldn’t worry. She then proceeded to tell me that my actual belly button would get flat and may even pop out… as if I might not know that either. Is it just me or is not knowing a nine year old scar could get irritated and knowing belly buttons pop out during pregnancy not on the same level? Or am I just the only human who didn’t know about belly button ring scars?

We scheduled our next appointment in two weeks where we’ll go over the birth plan and do my Group B Strep test. Then we’ll be starting weekly appointments. Eek!

We also took a big step and bought Baby Boy a car seat.


While shopping I got to do something I’ve wanted to do forever. Twice!


Dumb? Maybe, but clearly it made me happy.

I know I said I’d have maternity pictures to post this week but there was a bit of a snag with them. We got the disc with the photos and Joel noticed the resolution wasn’t as big as we expected it to be. When he contacted the photographer she realized she had shot on the wrong setting and what we have is as big as it gets.

She was really awesome about it though and offered us our choice of either a reshoot or giving us all the pictures from the shoot. I’m too in love with what we shot to try to recreate it. I was even sad about certain pictures not making the cut. So, we chose to get all the pictures. They’ll still print up to a decent size, I’m not sure we would have blown them up to giant wall sized anyway. So I’m really pleased with how it worked out, it’ll just be a bit longer to get them and post them. Sorry!

We also did a gorgeous outdoor maternity shoot with my very talented sister. It was pretty cold but not too bad for a January in the midwest. The pictures turned out really gorgeous. As Joel gets some free time (ha) to edit them I’ll be posting those too.

I’m such a picture tease.


Thanks teenage me


Little reminders


  1. Not knowing about a 9-yr-old scar, and not knowing that your belly button might pop out are on two totally different levels. I never would have guessed that it would give you trouble. Glad things are going so well! You look adorable!

    • Okay, glad I’m not the only who didn’t know about stretching scars. She definitely wasn’t saying it in a condescending way but it still left me feeling a bit silly.

      And thanks! I’m really loving my belly right now.

  2. I always thought the expenctant mom spots would be so great to use, but when it came time, I felt guilty taking them from other moms when I knew I could take the walk, and I never used them, not once. I alwyas told myself the excercise was good for me. Then I’m walking out loaded down with stuff regrestting that choice. Silly me.

    • I didn’t even think about leaving them for someone else, haha. Although there were a few spots open at both stores. It was just such a novelty. It’s not like we do much in store shopping so it will likely be the only time I do it. At least until next pregnancy.

  3. I am kind of jealous that you got to park in an expectant mothers parking spot! It was always something I wanted to do… but never got to in EITHER of my two pregnancies, BOO! haha. Love that you captured pictures of it! Also can’t wait to see these other pictures that you are indeed teasing us with! 😉

    • Yeah, I’ve always seen them and thought it would be neat to get to use them so when I finally did I was probably more excited than normal. Hence the pictures, haha.

  4. Aww! You look so adorable! And I always smile when I see the reserved parking signs for expectant moms:) So cute.

  5. You are quite possibly the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen.

    Also, I love that they have Pregnant Woman parking spots now. When I was pregnant in the 90s I had to rough it. 🙂

  6. Wow, parking spots for pregnant women… awesome! You’re almost there…

  7. Awww you are looking adorable. I was super excited to be parking in those spots as well when I was pregnant. 🙂 My grocery store has 2 close spots for mom’s with infants so now I get to park in those!!! Fun times.

    • Thanks! The mother with infant parking sounds fantastic. I haven’t seen that around here. Well, except for at Buy Buy Baby like you see in the picture above.

  8. Awww you are looking adorable. I was super excited to be parking in those spots as well when I was pregnant. 🙂 My grocery store has 2 close spots for mom’s with infants so now I get to park in those!!! Fun times.

    • Thanks! The mother with infant parking sounds fantastic. I haven’t seen that around here. Well, except for at Buy Buy Baby like you see in the picture above.

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