Number 16 on my 30 by 30 list was join a book club. I can officially cross it off my list. I’ve been on several outings now with the members and I love this group of girls. They’re all around my age, fun and easy to talk to. Our last book discussion was at a winery. Those of you who follow me on Twitter might remember me asking for fashion advice, haha.

Tonight we went out to a movie (Letters to Juliet. Cute but incredibly predictable if you’re wondering) and then out to dinner. I don’t have a picture of us tonight but I had a great time. I ended up staying until almost midnight. That would be ok except I forgot that I have to be up for my mom’s graduation in the morning. We have to be an hour and a half away at about 9:30am. It’s going to be an extremely short night. Totally worth it though because I feel like I’m really starting to connect with a couple of the girls. Friends > a good night’s sleep any day of the week. Plus, there’s always Starbucks.