You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

30 weeks


Oh man, we’re in the 30’s.

Remember how I was worried about not gaining any weight in the four weeks between appointments? Ha, made up for that in two weeks. Oops. Oh well, Dr said my weight is “good” so I will stop worrying about it and maybe not eat so many cupcakes. Maybe.

Everything else is looking right on track too. I measure exactly the week I am in centimeters every appointment, which honestly fascinates me. I know I would be stressed if I was measuring too big or too small so, yay for being textbook.

It’s so weird for me to be going in every other week. It definitely feels kind of excessive. I feel like I should have questions every appointment because every other one I had a month to think them up. Not so much anymore. I guess a lack of questions is good because it means everything is going well?

In baby news, he is getting so strong. He’s kind of lying sideways right now and last night it felt like he was trying to headbutt and punch his way through my side. At one point I could feel him stretching out on either side of my stomach and I really could feel the exact roundness of his head. It was both extremely cool and pretty painful. Once he finally decided to quit trying to superman his way out of my stomach my side was sore for hours. My mom likes to tell me how I actually bruised her side when I was just a fetus so I guess I have it coming to me. He’s now more head down I think because if I lean forward or sit in any way that isn’t perfect posture it feels like his feet are crushing my lungs and ribs. He’s already running out of room and there’s still so much growing to do. Sorry kid, mommy is no super model so you’re going to have to make do with tight quarters.

By far the best thing to happen this week was a surprise little baby shower my dance girl friends threw for me. I showed up for what I thought was a normal dance class and instead they had the backroom set up with the cutest little snacks and the nicest card (and gift card! Wee! I may have already gone online and mentally spent it.)


Those adorable pretzels that say “It’s a boy!” are handmade. Seriously, so impressive.

It made me feel amazingly loved and special. I was completely surprised. I wish I’d have taken more pictures but I was too busy talking and laughing and having a fun time. I’m so lucky that I have these ladies in my life. Dance makes me happy but dancing with friends makes my soul happy.

I’m thrilled that this week was so wonderful. Makes me look forward to what’s to come, even if that means more organ punching.



The road trip that was more road than trip


Get Off My Internets. Or not.


  1. You look great! Send me your address in a private mail please so i may send you something in time for baby boy 🙂

  2. Hey girl, found you through your comment on my blog! You look great! Your baby sounds about as restless as mine! (so maybe mine’s a boy???) Can’t wait to follow your story 🙂

    • Oh are you waiting for the birth to find out? That’s so exciting. I really don’t think I could be patient enough to wait but I hear it’s the BEST if you can.

      I’m glad I found your blog as I’ve enjoyed following your story. It’s so exciting for me to find other bloggers who are due around when I am.

  3. I’m so excited for you!

    I felt the same way about questions. I felt like I rarely had any, but everything turned out fine!

  4. You look so tiny and petite for being 30 weeks pregnant! Too cute. That is awesome that your dance ladies through that baby shower for you! I was impressed by the pretzel rods when I saw them on Instagram, but homemade?! wowza, some talent went into those 😉

    • Aw thanks. And yeah could hardly believe it when I found out two of the girls got together and made them themselves. They were pretty delicious too.

  5. Looking good!! & how sweet of your dance friends 🙂

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