You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!


If you know me you know that I am not picky. However beer? Not at all my thing. There’s just something about the smell that I can’t get over. Blech.

Until now.

Ladies and gentlemen I have big news. I have found a beer that I can not only choke down. I actually enjoy it. Seriously this is a big deal. My beer of choice?

Allagash White

I’m told this is a girly beer.

Again, if you know me that should not surprise you. I tend to like girly drinks.

And I’m totally cool with that. If this “girly” beer is what transitions me into a beer drinker then all the better. Not that I plan on making beer part of any kind of regular habit. It’s just much easier (and way cheaper) to have a beer with a bunch of friends then to have to try and find some kind of cocktail.

So, exciting stuff. Or at least it is for me.


Childfree days


The sweet song of rain


  1. When you are up for making your next transition, look for Pyramid Apricot Ale. It is yummy and delicious.

    • That sounds good. I have tried fruity beers and wasn't too impressed. Now that I actually like a beer I'll have to start trying more.

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