You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: stabby


I know I need to choose:





Despite the fact that I feel:


It’s a choice. Happiness is a choice.

I want to be happy. I want to be at peace. I want to just let it all go.

I know I am a good person.

I’m occasionally selfish but I believe I am mostly empathetic.

I’m sometimes snarky and sarcastic but I’m usually a pleasant, kind, loving person to be around.

I try to always think of others and how they would feel about a situation. I try to put myself in their place and understand where they’re coming from.

I work hard and love harder.

I’m fiercely loyal and deeply passionate.

Most people enjoy my company. Or at least they pretend to.

I try to keep a positive outlook on life and smile as often as possible.

I know that some people will be impossible to please. I won’t get along with everyone. Some people just won’t like me. I also will not like everyone. Some people are assholes.

However, even to the assholes I will strive to be as polite as possible. You never know what someone’s background is.

There are so many things about myself that I would like to improve. I’m so very far from perfect. Perfection shouldn’t be my goal.

Love is my goal.

Happiness is my goal.

Peace is my goal.

My name means joy and my biggest goal in life is to create joy in others. I love people.

I refuse to let the occasional crazy person ruin my day.

I choose not to.

Look! A distraction!

Still blogging from my iPhone. I love the darn thing and would hate to live without it but blogging on here is soooo sloooow. It’s seriously making me stabby. Instead of bitching about how irritated I am with my lack of computer I’ll distract you with this hilariously cute papillon video.

Here’s hoping I stay sane until my life returns to it’s version of normal. Or just that I don’t call The Salvation Army to take away everything we own and start from scratch. I’m tempted.

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