You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: sleep

Weekly Wesley: Twenty one


This week we bought Wesley an amber teething necklace. I haven’t really noticed any signs of teething yet but better to get it before they start, right?


Honestly, I kind of don’t believe it actually does anything. It was pretty cheap and I think it looks kind of adorable though so who knows, maybe it’s magical after all.

One thing I’ve been working on with Wesley is having him sleep anywhere other than pressed up against me. As much as I love this,


I’m ready to be able to have a conversation with Joel in the evening or get something done during nap time. So far it’s going okay. We have a futon in the living room so when it’s time for a nap I lie down with him and then very slowly ease away.



We’ve yet to go very long without him rooting around for me and me having to quickly lie back down next to him and pop my boob in his mouth but just being able to get up at all is a start.

Towards the end of the week we got pictures taken of the cousins. It was… interesting.


We had them done at JCPenny and let’s just say I’m glad it was a Groupon because if I had been paying their prices I would have been pissed. I made the appointment well ahead of time, although not as far ahead as I wanted because it took three days of calling to even get a hold of anyone despite the voicemail recording promising a call back. When I booked the appointment I made sure to tell them it would be seven little boys, ages 4 months to 8 years.

So why they decided to staff a trainee is beyond me. I’m almost positive I could have gotten better pictures. She kept taking the pictures just before they’d look or get a giant chunk of the light in the frame. They also refused to listen to what we wanted and insisted on multiple background colors when we only wanted one and taking individual photos when we only wanted group shots. They also spent a ridiculous amount of time editing lame “enhancements” (read 90’s looking fades and vignettes) in front of us while we waited to pick our shots. I even told her we weren’t going to purchase anything with enhancements like that but she “had to do it.” So we waited and waited while trying to corral 7 restless boys who had already sat still for far too long.

The Groupon deal came with five photos and we seriously only picked four because there were only that many halfway decent ones. And one isn’t even a group shot, it’s a lucky cute shot of Wesley. When they’re ready in two weeks (!!!) I’ll post them but it was not magic, let me tell you.

Other than that it’s just been all packing all week. This is about how I feel about it.


Hate. Moving.

This Saturday is the big day and it can’t come soon enough… and it’s coming too fast because omg we have so much to do still.

Other milestones:

  • We took Wesley to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. Obviously not for his benefit, it was for his cousin’s birthday. Despite the over stimulation his did really well and was just quiet and fascinated with all the noise and lights the whole time.


  • I read Wesley Dr. Seuss for the first time and he was in awe. He just kept staring at my face and then at the book and then back at my face. I think he’s going to be as big of a fan as his mommy.


(so mad at the stupid iPhone for messing up the focus on this one. Had to post it anyway because best. face. ever.)

  • I don’t want to jinx it but Mr. Dude has started to be okay in the car. He still cries about 40-50% of the time but that is a massive improvement so I’ll take it.


Other favorite photos from the week:


Wesley has been getting so excited when Joel comes home from work every day. Melts my heart.


Sweet deliciously clean baby.


It’s too bad he’s never happy or anything.


My tiny old man says, “Jolly good, ta ta for now.”

Weekly Wesley: Eight


Wesley’s hair is finally starting to grow on top. Right now it’s just the finest of fuzz but it’s there. It looks more brown than blond to me but it’s hard to tell at this point. I’m so curious to see what color it ultimately turns out to be.

This week I danced a lot. Pregnancy and childbirth made me miss way more classes than I’m happy about. Unfortunately I got cleared for exercise just over a week before my studio took a three week break before the summer session starts. I got in as many classes as I could though and while I was gone Joel and Wesley spent some quality time together.


Speaking of sleep we had two extremes going on this week. One day 4am came around and Wesley decided that was a great time to be up, laughing and giggling.


If I have to be up at 4am at least I have a smiley kid to do it with rather than a fussy one.

Then the next extreme was Saturday night going into today. I dream fed him at around midnight, set my alarm for seven… and woke up when the alarm went off! All the exclamation points!!! It was positively wonderful. I don’t expect it to be a regular thing yet but oh man it was wonderful. As you can imagine we all woke up feeling great.


I love my little family.

Other milestones:

  • Little guy was kind of extra fussy this week likely because I was working out an extra lot. My midwife warned me that might happen. He made up for it with tons of smiles though.


I can’t get enough of that sweet face.

Weekly Wesley: Five


This week I began to feel like we’re really settling into a routine… which of course means the last couple of nights Wesley has had bad nights of sleep. I think the issue is he hates having a wet diaper and he wets his diaper every couple of hours. So he’s hydrated but wakes way more often. Or he’s just going through a growth spurt. He still usually does one four hour stretch at least.


While the more frequent waking is a little frustrating I’m just glad he’s eating well and gaining weight. He looks like such a peanut I was worried he wasn’t gaining well. He had his one month check up this week though and he weighed in at nine pounds exactly! The pediatrician seemed really pleased with his weight gain so I’m going to try to stop worrying about it. I just have a tiny baby. I still kind of hope he chunks out eventually but as long as he’s healthy that’s what’s important.


He’s quite strong and is able to hold his head up longer and longer. He still hates tummy time on the floor but he tolerates it better on our chests. We still do tummy time once a day on the floor so he hopefully gets more used to it soon.


His baby acne has improved a lot. If he gets really warm it shows back up but for the most part it’s gone. It has been replaced with some killer baby pattern baldness. He looks like a tiny little old man with a receding hairline and it cracks me up. I was bald as a cue ball until I was two so I was kind of shocked that Wesley was born with any hair at all. I’m curious when his hair will grow back in and what color it will be when it does. If his eyebrows and eyelashes are any indication he’ll be blond, but we’ll see.


By far the best thing about this week is Wesley’s cooing and smiling has reached a whole new level. He is especially happy and interactive first thing in the morning. I don’t care how crappy my night of sleep was it is impossible to be grouchy when I see his funny faces:


And this smile makes my whole world light up:


The gums! The dimples! This is my favorite picture of him ever. I was holding the camera off to the side and just hitting the camera button when I took it since I didn’t want it to be between our faces. I’m so glad I caught this, even if it is a bit blurry.

Other milestones:

  • Joel wore Wesley in the Maya Wrap for the first time.
  • Wesley and I took our first outing without Joel. Wesley got to meet my good friend and dance teacher. So, really simple, just there and back but it was nice to get out of the house.
  • We took Wesley to his first show. It was the recital for my dance studio. He did great. He got a little hungry towards the end so I went to the back of room and fed him. Other than that he got oohed and aaahed over and slept almost the whole time. He’s such a good baby.
  • I had my first real caffeine since before he was born. It didn’t seem to affect him too much so yay!

I can hardly believe I love the newborn stage this month. There are times I’m frustrated or over tired but that all melts away when I see his magical smile. So incredibly worth it.

Weekly Wesley: Five


This week I began to feel like we’re really settling into a routine… which of course means the last couple of nights Wesley has had bad nights of sleep. I think the issue is he hates having a wet diaper and he wets his diaper every couple of hours. So he’s hydrated but wakes way more often. Or he’s just going through a growth spurt. He still usually does one four hour stretch at least.


While the more frequent waking is a little frustrating I’m just glad he’s eating well and gaining weight. He looks like such a peanut I was worried he wasn’t gaining well. He had his one month check up this week though and he weighed in at nine pounds exactly! The pediatrician seemed really pleased with his weight gain so I’m going to try to stop worrying about it. I just have a tiny baby. I still kind of hope he chunks out eventually but as long as he’s healthy that’s what’s important.


He’s quite strong and is able to hold his head up longer and longer. He still hates tummy time on the floor but he tolerates it better on our chests. We still do tummy time once a day on the floor so he hopefully gets more used to it soon.


His baby acne has improved a lot. If he gets really warm it shows back up but for the most part it’s gone. It has been replaced with some killer baby pattern baldness. He looks like a tiny little old man with a receding hairline and it cracks me up. I was bald as a cue ball until I was two so I was kind of shocked that Wesley was born with any hair at all. I’m curious when his hair will grow back in and what color it will be when it does. If his eyebrows and eyelashes are any indication he’ll be blond, but we’ll see.


By far the best thing about this week is Wesley’s cooing and smiling has reached a whole new level. He is especially happy and interactive first thing in the morning. I don’t care how crappy my night of sleep was it is impossible to be grouchy when I see his funny faces:


And this smile makes my whole world light up:


The gums! The dimples! This is my favorite picture of him ever. I was holding the camera off to the side and just hitting the camera button when I took it since I didn’t want it to be between our faces. I’m so glad I caught this, even if it is a bit blurry.

Other milestones:

  • Joel wore Wesley in the Maya Wrap for the first time.
  • Wesley and I took our first outing without Joel. Wesley got to meet my good friend and dance teacher. So, really simple, just there and back but it was nice to get out of the house.
  • We took Wesley to his first show. It was the recital for my dance studio. He did great. He got a little hungry towards the end so I went to the back of room and fed him. Other than that he got oohed and aaahed over and slept almost the whole time. He’s such a good baby.
  • I had my first real caffeine since before he was born. It didn’t seem to affect him too much so yay!

I can hardly believe I love the newborn stage this month. There are times I’m frustrated or over tired but that all melts away when I see his magical smile. So incredibly worth it.

Welcome to the World, Wesley


This picture perfectly describes how we all feel in this house right now. Not at all surprising of course.

That being said, this will be the short version of things. I’m working on the full birth story but it’s really hard to pull myself away from staring at his perfect little face long enough. That, or I’m trying to catch a moment or two of sleep or maybe shower. Maybe. Anyway, here are the important details.

Wesley made his entrance into the world on Easter Sunday, 03-31-13. He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce (which is only one once off from the weight estimate on the BPP ultrasound. How often does that happen?!) and he was 21 inches long.

His birth was positively beautiful. It really was everything I hoped it would be. I owe so much of that to my amazing support team. Everyone from the nurse, to my midwife, to my mom and sisters played their part and helped me through everything. Mostly though Joel was my rock. He was by my side literally every minute of my labor and I could not have done it without him. With all their help and thanks to my body somehow knowing exactly what to do and when to do it I got an empowering, natural birth. The moment I met my son will forever be one of the best moments of my life.

We are home now and adjusting nicely. Wesley is a champion at nursing. I really expected it to be difficult and painful at the beginning but he knew just what to do and I have to say breastfeeding is one of my favorite things I’ve ever done in my life. He hasn’t quite gotten the hang of sleep but duh, I wouldn’t have expected him to. Joel is great at taking shifts so we both catch some sleep in spurts.

All in all I’m in state of complete newborn bliss. You’ll have to forgive me from slacking online for a bit. I’m just trying to soak up every second with my gorgeous new son.

Welcome to the World, Wesley


This picture perfectly describes how we all feel in this house right now. Not at all surprising of course.

That being said, this will be the short version of things. I’m working on the full birth story but it’s really hard to pull myself away from staring at his perfect little face long enough. That, or I’m trying to catch a moment or two of sleep or maybe shower. Maybe. Anyway, here are the important details.

Wesley made his entrance into the world on Easter Sunday, 03-31-13. He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce (which is only one once off from the weight estimate on the BPP ultrasound. How often does that happen?!) and he was 21 inches long.

His birth was positively beautiful. It really was everything I hoped it would be. I owe so much of that to my amazing support team. Everyone from the nurse, to my midwife, to my mom and sisters played their part and helped me through everything. Mostly though Joel was my rock. He was by my side literally every minute of my labor and I could not have done it without him. With all their help and thanks to my body somehow knowing exactly what to do and when to do it I got an empowering, natural birth. The moment I met my son will forever be one of the best moments of my life.

We are home now and adjusting nicely. Wesley is a champion at nursing. I really expected it to be difficult and painful at the beginning but he knew just what to do and I have to say breastfeeding is one of my favorite things I’ve ever done in my life. He hasn’t quite gotten the hang of sleep but duh, I wouldn’t have expected him to. Joel is great at taking shifts so we both catch some sleep in spurts.

All in all I’m in state of complete newborn bliss. You’ll have to forgive me from slacking online for a bit. I’m just trying to soak up every second with my gorgeous new son.

No time

It’s been so long since I truly didn’t have time for things. No time to read books I want to read. No time to catch up on my shows. No time to read and comment on all the blogs that I love.

No time.

Well, ok not no time. But I would have to give up other things. Like spending time with friends. Or sleeping.

Those are things that I’m not giving up.

So for all intents and purposes, I have no time.

It’s weird for me.

I can’t remember a time in my life when I had no time. In The Netherlands I had plenty of time for internet and books and shows. Obviously the kids kept me busy but I always had evenings free plus three days off a week. Then I had basically part time jobs until I got a job as a flight attendant.

As a flight attendant? It felt like I had nothing but spare time. I spent a ton of time “working” but let’s face it, even on the airplane I had time to sit and read a book or whatever.

Then there were layovers. Often on my layovers I went out and explored the town or hung out with coworkers. I wanted to soak in every second of that job. However, if you’re staying in an airport hotel with nothing around for the 8th time in 2 months…. you run out of things to do outside your hotel room so it leaves plenty of time for books and blogs.

Add into that having 11 guaranteed days off a month plus not flying every single day I was on call? Sometimes I felt like the laziest person alive. I wasn’t.

Until I got furloughed. Then I was definitely the laziest person alive. I would go days without ever seeing the outdoors. Pajamas were my uniform and I would find myself on Hulu watching absolute crap because I had no more blogs to read or shows to watch.

Really truly pathetic.

Now I have this job. And I. love. it. It keeps me on my toes and challenges me. There are always problems to solve and when I turn a near disaster into a success? Well, there’s nothing quite like the rush it gives me.

But, I’m left with a choice between reading a book that I really love (or at least I really love so far. I’ve barely begun it) or sleep? I’m probably going to choose sleep.

And when I say probably I mean pretty definitely.

I love sleep. We’ve established this.

What I’m trying to say is, I’m an awful blog friend lately. I barely even check Twitter anymore, much less post. I read as many blog posts as I can but I rarely comment. I hate that. I have things to say, really, I just am trying to squeeze as much into a short period of time as possible.

So I’m totally lame and have no time to do a lot of the things that I’ve loved and gotten used to over the past couple of years. I think it’s probably a good thing. I haven’t felt this fulfilled since I stopped flying. I certainly have never felt this productive, possibly ever.

I’m sure a balance will come soon. Already things run a million times smoother than they did before. Until then I’ll treasure ever second of sleep and down time I get.

Speaking of sleep, I have a nice warm bed and handsome husband calling my name right now.


Dear Body Clock,

I can’t be too harsh with you because I can definitely see where you might have gotten mixed messages. With all the travel between time zones across the country and around the world we’ve done in the last couple of years, even the best of body clocks could have easily been thrown off. I’m actually not sure what time zone you believe us to be in. So, to clear up any further confusion, we now live in Chicago which is in the Central time zone. I’m not going to lie, we won’t always be in Chicago, I plan on continuing to travel as often as possible. However, that does not give you permission to pick and choose any time zone you please when it comes to sleeping time. It’s very simple: Night time = Sleep time, Day time = Activity time. Thank you for your understanding and prompt cooperation in the matter.

Your should-be-sleepy-but-isn’t friend,


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