You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: Ikea

Weekly Wesley: Seven


We had a reunion of our Bradley Method class this week.

No faces because I don't put people's babies on the internet without their permission

No faces because I don’t put people’s babies on the internet without their permission.

It was cool hearing everyone’s birth stories. I still have yet to finish editing mine (I know) but this may have been the push I need to just buckle down and finish it. I do love to talk about my birth because it was amazing and the Bradley Method played a huge part in that. It was also neat to see all the babies who are all within a few weeks of Wesley’s age. He is super bald compared to most of the other babies, several of which had a hilariously cute amount of hair.

Speaking of bald, his baby pattern baldness has reached level: ridiculously hilarious. I mean….


We call it his Picard hair, #NerdAlert. I kind of adore it.

I finally had my check up to clear me for activity. I’m all healed up and cleared to exercise which meant I actually got to go back to dance. I only went to one class this week and was ridiculously sore for what I did. Apparently sitting on the couch for the better part of 6+ weeks is not the way to stay in shape. I’m raring to go though because I am over how tight even my fat pants are. Plus this whole breastfeeding thing makes me eat-my-own-arm hungry at all times which means I’m still not down to pre-baby weight, much less down to my happy healthy weight. Give me ALL THE EXERCISE! The only thing I didn’t figure out at the appointment was whole birth control thing. Still not sure what I’m going to do about that. But this post is about Wesley so I’ll leave that for another time.

This week we had a milestone I never hoped to hit. Baby’s first fever. 🙁


Poor little dude hadn’t slept well two nights in a row and the second night I noticed he was really fussy while breastfeeding because his nose was all stuffy. Then he woke up stuffy and very fussy. He just wasn’t my normal happy baby, it was the saddest. We had planned to go to the opening of the new Star Trek movie but I obviously didn’t want to take him anywhere so I stayed home and Joel went. The next day his fever was gone and he was back to his normal smiley self though.


I’m so very happy it was super minor. I’m hoping we never go anywhere near a fever again because seeing my baby sick and uncomfortable hurt my heart. Shut up, I can wish.

Other milestones:

  • Didn’t hate tummy time. Once. He’s back to hating it again though. At least I see hope on the horizon.


  • Tracking really well from further and further away.
  • Actually responds to my singing, ie. smiles for upbeat songs or is calmed by lullabies.
  • Reacts more to loud noises. This morning Joel started the coffee grinder while holding him and he actually screamed in terror. So sad… and also a little funny. Yes, I laughed at my kid’s terror. Evil mom alert.
  • First trip to Ikea.
  • Met Joel’s best friend Cecil and wife Rachel (who has become my good friend) and adored them.


  • Got his social security card in the mail this week. He’s official. Now to get his passports.
  • First meal out on a patio.


In fact, the weather was so nice and he did so well we ate out on a patio twice in one week.

I realized that because of the post I put up on Mother’s Day I forgot to post Wesley’s six week update. Oops. Bad mommy blogger. I’m going to attempt to back post it. I did take a picture so, if nothing else, I’ll post that. I also should post about how my first Mother’s Day actually went (short version, it was lovely). Not to mention the birth story and I have yet to post his gorgeous newborn photos… As you can see I have a backlog of posts I want to write and the more behind I get the less I’m motivated to actually write them. Blah.

I’m not giving up on this blogging thing though, even if I’ve felt like it from time to time lately. I’ve made some great connections with so many of you and I hope I don’t lose them because I’ve been slacking on the writing and reading and replying to comments. I do read them, even if it’s from my phone which makes replying a pain. Thank you for sticking around. I’ll figure out a balance. And if anyone has any great tips for an app that will make reading blogs and leaving comments easier I’d love them. I’ve had so many comments eaten that I’ve all but given up trying from my phone. You all are very important to me so I want to get back to replying here and commenting on your blogs ASAP.

No lie

The other day I was getting ready to leave the house. I was searching for a pair of my pants and couldn’t seem to find them anywhere. You’d think it would be strange for me to have a hard time finding a pair of pants but unfortunately it’s a fairly common occurrence around my house.

See, right now my clothing situation is a bit of a disaster. I have plenty of clothes (Joel says too many, I say he’s crazy, you can never have too many clothes) but when we moved we went from a big beautiful walk-in closet to a normal sized regular closet. Waaaah! Sad right?

So, since we moved in July I’ve never quite gotten a handle on getting all my clothes organized and put away because I simply don’t have enough room for them all anymore. This means I often have piles of clothes all over my bedroom and sometimes the living room depending on if I’ve recently done laundry or not.

We were running slightly behind schedule (per usual) so I was getting a bit frantic searching for my missing pants. I had Joel looking as well and neither of us could find the stupid pair of pants anywhere. Not long ago I packed away all my summer clothes so in a moment of desperation I started digging through that box. I pulled out a rather large pile of stuff when suddenly Joel yelled that he found them. They were hanging in the closet. Go figure.

I grabbed them and ran into the other room to finish getting ready. I asked Joel if he’d please pick up that pile that I had just pulled out really fast so my packed away clothes didn’t get mixed up with the other piles in the room. He mumbled something that I assumed was an unenthusiastic yes and I didn’t think anything else of it.

We got out of the house mostly on time, went about our day and got home late that night. We began getting ready for bed when we started smelling the heater. It was a very sharp, hot, almost chemical smell. We have the kind of heaters that are low on the wall and heat up with water. I want to say they’re radiators but I’m not really an expert on that sort of thing. Anyway, they do get very hot. So hot in fact we often have to open windows sometimes so it stops feeling like a tropical rain forest. There’s not really a happy medium, they’re either set at sweltering or off.

We’re really careful to keep things away from the edges but the smell kept getting worse so Joel got down with a flashlight to see if he could find anything. He found a rubber band that had fallen into one of them but it didn’t seem to be hot or melted or what was causing the smell. To be safe we just turned the heat off and went to bed.

The next morning we got up and began to get ready. We still had the heat off from the night before. Weirdly we began smelling that same smell again. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when suddenly Joel ran in from the bedroom shouting about how he found where the smell was coming from with a smoking pile of clothes. He had been standing in the bedroom when all of the sudden he noticed little puffs of smoke coming from that pile of clothes I’d asked him to clean up.

Needless to say what I thought was a mumbled yes was really just a mumble about how he didn’t want to clean up my clothes. And he didn’t. What we both didn’t realize is the pile went high enough that a couple things were resting on the light bulb of an Ikea lamp in our room.

Apparently, those light bulbs get extremely hot.

Especially when covered in clothes.

Hot enough that this happened.

In case you can’t tell that’s what use to be two of my suits.

It burned a hole fully through five layers of suit material.

Here is the light bulb of doom.

See, normally this lamp would have had a fancy light shade over it. But we just replaced the burnt out bulbs and hadn’t gotten around to putting the shade back on.

Thankfully nothing more was hurt than a couple of suits I don’t ever wear anymore. I’m a little sad because one was the suit I got hired by my airline in. ::sniff:: However, I realize things could be much worse. I only just moved the dried flowers that had been sitting there a few days ago. We’re the kind of people who obsessively turn lights off when we leave a room. Had we left the house with that light on like that we might have come home to no house at all.

But no one was hurt so now it’s just a ridiculous story I get to tell.

Also? I had to get rid of some of the “too many” clothes Joel says I have. He says he definitely did not set fire to my clothes on purpose just so I’d get rid of some. But what’s that saying again?

Liar, liar, pants on…..

I’ll let you be the judge.

Birthday Weekend Extravaganza: part one

We’re halfway done with our stay in the hotel and we’re having a blast! Here are a few pictures of the weekend so far.

My mom was really serious about snacks. I’m not sure she knows we’re only staying two nights and not an entire week! Haha.

Melvin and Anthony relaxing and enjoying the giant tv in the room.

Yay, for birthday weekends!

Happy times.

Wouldn’t be my family if we didn’t have a good card game or two.

Despite having the worst cards ever I still had fun.

Took a trip to Ikea and had Swedish meatballs, of course. Yummy!

Um, I’m actually not sure what that is. I’m fairly positive it’s not wine.

Little buddy is tired.

Which brings us to now. The boys are down for a nap and everyone else is enjoying some quiet time and relaxing. Once the boys wake up we’re planning on grabbing dinner, going swimming in the incredibly warm swimming pool and then playing some more games.

Hope you’re all having a great weekend too. I’ll update more when the weekend is over. *smile*

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