You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

33 weeks


I’m getting to the feeling huge stage. And I have so much growing left to do. Oof.

One thing I’m fascinated by is my belly button. It’s still in but I can feel it stretching, mostly in my belly button ring scar. I’m wondering, for those of you who have already done this, when did your belly button pop out? Or did any of you have it never pop out? Because it seems like there’s quite a lot left to go.

The highlight of this week was this past Saturday we got real (aka not iPhone) maternity pictures taken. I was super nervous for some reason but I’m thrilled with how they turned out. I can’t wait to share them with you all. The photographer should be mailing them out soon. They definitely deserve their own post so be on the lookout for that, hopefully sometime next week.

The rest of the week didn’t live up to the good start unfortunately. Nothing bad happened, I’ve just felt like crap. My nausea and food aversions kicked it up a notch for some reason. I’ve basically been living off Chobani, grapefruits, nachos and Nutella sandwiches. Those are eaten separately by the way. No crazy food mixtures for this pregnant lady. I have been forcing myself to try to eat other things, because ya know, growing a human takes nutrients. Nothing really goes over well though. I am grateful that I’m not actually getting sick or anything. It is frustrating to be SO HUNGRY and have nearly all food sound disgusting. I am over it.

Despite my horrible nutrition this kid is growing. How do I know? Because he’s squeezing my lungs. This week I’ve had the pleasure of the holy crap I cannot get a breath feeling. That and my heart racing. That’s fun too. They seem to be related and stretching out, either by lying down or standing, seems to remedy it. It’s still incredibly unpleasant. Yay, pregnancy!

Another pregnancy milestone I hit was buying some Tums. I have never in my life had to take them. I have been incredibly lucky in that any heartburn I’ve experienced has been remedied with a glass of milk. The other night the only thing I could think of to eat were nachos with tons of jalapenos so I figured it would be wise to pick some up. I didn’t end up needing them but they’re on my nightstand just in case.

Sorry this post is basically a big fat whine. I try to be positive but every once in awhile pregnancy symptoms wear me down. Every time this little guy kicks and wiggles, especially when he does it because Joel came home, my heart melts and I know it’s worth it. Not going to lie, the uncomfortableness is making me all that much more anxious to meet this little guy. I suppose that’s the point.


Why we waited


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  1. You look great! My belly button never popped, but I never made it past 37 weeks so who knows if it would have! Can’t wait to see the pictures.

  2. You want some cheese to go with that whine? 🙂

    Seriously, you have every right to whine. Every pregnant mom is blessed with that privilege. You’ve earned that right. It’s all going to be okay. All the hardships will be worth it.

    I don’t remember about my belly button, though… I wish I did!

  3. Uhm, growing a baby is hard! I think my belly button popped around 35/36 weeks, but I don’t exactly remember. I had always wanted to see what was at the bottom, so that was an easy way 😉 SOrry to hear about the food aversions! That really stinks. Hopefully it’ll pass. And by the way, I could TOTALLY go for some nachos right now… at 8:39 in the AM… Can’t wait to “meet” your little guy!

  4. My bellybutton never popped and my baby came right on her due date. I remember feeling so stretched in the end! I was also pretty nauseous towards the end as well, my doc said it was just my hormones. Only several more weeks to go! love your blog by the way! Newest reader right here 🙂

  5. I’m 35 weeks and no belly button pop. When I told my husband that this could happen, it freaked him out a little. Just yesterday he said, “No belly button pop” and he looked relieved. Lol. I’m not nauseous, but then I’ve been pretty fortunate for feeling good during pregnancy. This is the month though and it feels.. surreal. And like you, I’ve hit the Tums too. Not every day, but when I need them, I desperately need them. You’re heard the wive’s tail about heartburn, right? It’s a sign that your baby will have hair. Supposedly during the ultrasound, the technician saw hair on our baby’s head. But I couldn’t see what she meant 🙂

  6. Eileen

    I went 40weeks plus a day or two and never popped a belly button, got a couple stretch marks around my belly button, but never popped.

    Whine away, and be thankful for the no/little heartburn, mine was AWFUL, but then again you have worse food aversions and stuff, so we all get our fair share of pregnancy toughness, just in different ways!

  7. Mine didn’t pop with my first, but it has popped with each one after that. My belly button ring scar hurt me too. And it got really itchy. It was super annoying!

  8. I delivered at 39+1, and my belly button never popped. It did get really shallow though, which looked weird.

    I wish I had taken the time to get maternity photos taken. Can’t wait to see yours!

  9. My belly button never popped. She was born the day after her due date at 6 lbs. 7 oz. 🙂

  10. My belly button never popped. She was born the day after her due date at 6 lbs. 7 oz. 🙂

  11. My belly button never popped either and he came a day before my due date. 🙂 Just got pretty flat looking.
    Oh and do not feel like you have to love all of pregnancy- it is hard and it gets so so so much better when your little one arrives. 🙂 I was so sick during mine and while thankful for being able to carry a healthy boy to term, I know all the aches and pains can add up. You are doing great!!!

    • I feel exactly the same way. I’m willing to put up with all the yuck if it means a healthy little baby at the end. Thanks for the encouragement, sometimes I really do need it.

  12. My belly button never popped either and he came a day before my due date. 🙂 Just got pretty flat looking.
    Oh and do not feel like you have to love all of pregnancy- it is hard and it gets so so so much better when your little one arrives. 🙂 I was so sick during mine and while thankful for being able to carry a healthy boy to term, I know all the aches and pains can add up. You are doing great!!!

    • I feel exactly the same way. I’m willing to put up with all the yuck if it means a healthy little baby at the end. Thanks for the encouragement, sometimes I really do need it.

  13. man, I never looked this good pregnant. Congrats!

  14. man, I never looked this good pregnant. Congrats!

  15. I had a belly piercing prior to becoming pregnant and in fact left it intact almost the entire duration of my first pregnancy, only took it out maybe a month or so before I had him (but then again I delivered him 2 months early). And my belly button didn’t POP out with either of my pregnancies and I went to 32 and 37 weeks *shrugs* My crazy food combination was provolone cheese on wheat bread with ketchup, HA. And I think what bothered me most about those last few weeks was the kicking and jabbing of my ribs, YOWZA! Anyways, you are in the homestretch, won’t be long now! Can’t wait to see how your maternity photos turned out! 😉

    • Cheese and ketchup isn’t *that* weird. Not normal exactly but I’ve heard worse. And yeah the rib jabbing isn’t fun. Usually it only happens if I’m slouching, although I know as he grows sitting up straight probably will stop fixing things.

  16. My belly button never popped, which I was excited about because it creeped me a little. I never had heart burn before I got pregnant and it seemed to do with how much I ate and not what it was. One bite too much and I was running for the tums!!

    • I wouldn’t say the idea of my belly button popping creeps me out, but now that I know it’s possible for it not to pop I kind of hope I get lucky like that.

  17. You do look great! The last part of pregnancy is definitely the hardest!

    • Thanks. And I have the theory that the last part of pregnancy has to get harder, otherwise I wouldn’t want to get him out so badly, haha.

  18. You do look great! The last part of pregnancy is definitely the hardest!

    • Thanks. And I have the theory that the last part of pregnancy has to get harder, otherwise I wouldn’t want to get him out so badly, haha.

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