I used to be one, notice emphasis on used! Today I cleaned out all my boxes that I had put up in the attic over the years…

Yes, you are looking at about ten years worth of accumulated school papers, drawings, pictures, shells, rocks, nic-nacs…you get the picture. Basically a ton and a half of junk, 16 boxes worth to be exact! Today (with Joel’s help) I drug it all down out of the attic and did a massive house cleaning. Here’s how it looked about halfway through:

At this point I did say that I was done, I quit, this was a bad idea and I was going to bed (even though it was only about 5pm). Joel, being the loving fiance that he is, told me to take a break and then helped motivate me back into finishing. So, twelve hours, three trash bags and one Goodwill bag later…

drum roll please…

Down to only six boxes. Period. Honestly it wasn’t that horrible. I found a lot of pictures, letters, drawings and things that I hadn’t seen in ages. It was a nice trip down memory lane and my final step into pack-ratlessness…Good deal, huh?