You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!


It’s good to be back.

Caroline missed me a bunch I can tell. She just comes up to my room and wants to hang out and cuddle. I’m so glad. Actually it was pretty funny, she used to be really good about not just walking into my room without knocking…or maybe it was just that she wasn’t big enough to open the door. In any case, the past few times she came up she just walked right in. Now, even though the times she did that it wasn’t a big deal, it still needed to change so I attempted to teach her to knock and then wait for me to say come in. I began my lesson by telling her that she needs to always knock on my door before coming in and then knocked on the door myself to show her how to do it. I then did a practice time and said “Now I’m gonna shut the door, you knock, I’ll say come in and THEN you come in” So I shut the door and said “okay, knock.” to which she responded by yelling “KNOCK!”. I tried two or three times to get her to actually use her hand to knock and then decided that her saying the word accomplished the exact same thing as actual knocking so I just gave up…

On a whole different note I am suffering from the worst jet lag EVER *sigh* Seriously, I’m up until up like 4.30 or 5.00 in the morning and then can’t wake up until 13.00 or 14.00 the next afternoon. More than a little frustrating let me tell ya. It’s getting slowly better I think and once I start working next week and actually have to be up at a normal time my body should fully adjust.

Hm what else…the weather is nice and cool (mid 60’s low 70’s) which is a pleasant change from the 102 degree weather I left in Indiana. It was nice to have but I’ve had enough steamy hot weather for one summer thank you very much. Most of the year I like the weather here, it’s almost never too hot or cold and yes it rains a lot but I like rain so that works out well.

Yeah, I’m pretty happy with my life here. The only huge bummer (besides being so far away from people I love) is that all my friends so far are au pairs which means half of them left this summer. I miss Anna like crazy and I just saw Bea for the last time before she goes back to Hungary to start school today…Oh well, I guess that’s just life as an au pair. I already have a list of people that I want to meet up with in the next couple of weeks and my wonderful host mom’s super cool website will also help me meet some cool new people hopefully.

So yeah, I guess that’s about it for now. Until next time *smile*


My trip to the States


Dancing and Giant Playgrounds


  1. Thanks Abby, for linking thru!
    I know for sure your blog is better read by my target group than mine anywho !

  2. Best answer to jet lag is to force yourself to get up every morning. Then in a few days you are so wiped by bedtime that you just sleep and after a few more days you are fine.

    So in some ways you’d be better off starting work right when you got back cos it would force you to get up and be active…

  3. that is a fun site. 🙂 And that is such a cute pic of the little gal with your sunglasses on. *smile*

  4. Welcome back! Missed ya!

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