You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!


Well, I took Caroline and went to Amsterdam for the morning to get my passport renewed. She was so excited cuz we were “going on the train!!!” lol. She loved it. She was super good too. Just the perfect little angel and a pleasure to have around. Here we are-

On the train on the way to Amsterdam, she was being silly and she just loves having her picture taken! hehe

There’s the good old American Consulate

Museum Plein where we ate lunch. I have so many good memories there…*grin*

The pigeons there are so tame they eat right out of your hand!

Caroline wasn’t totally sure how she felt about them

Us on the train ride home. She was so sleepy 🙂


Third time’s the charm


Getting over myself!


  1. awwww she is too cute :o)

  2. I like the one taken on the Museum Plein. Caroline is as cute as ever. I remember Robbert saying something along the lines of…she`ll brake some hearts someday.

  3. looks like you had some fun. *smile* glad you got the whole US Passport thing all figured out.

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