You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!


Well, London was wonderful. It was very different being there by myself, but I had a good time. I flew in late Friday night. The flight was super short (about 40 mins) which was very nice. Once I got there it was too late to do anything though so I just found my hostel and went to bed.

I got up Saturday and did a little shopping on my way to The National Gallery. I got to spend a couple hours there which was very nice. Plus, it’s free of admission so even though it was a weekend it didn’t feel at all crowded because there were no lines.

This was a storyteller I happened upon while I was inside the museum. She was very interesting and animated. I would love to do something like what she was doing!

This is me in front of the Gallery

After I was done there I made my way to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. I did have to pay for that but it was worth it to me. It was a very neat tour and it made me want to definitely come back sometime in the summer to actually see a show there.

You can see The Globe in the background.

Then I went next door to the Tate Modern museum. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I never thought of myself as a real “fan” of modern art but this museum gave me a whole new perspective on it. I loved that there were so many hidden messages and meanings behind each piece. My favorite piece was Hyena Stomp by Frank Stella and the reason is because the artist was thinking about syncopation when he painted it. I just thought it was the perfect image of syncopation.

This was a man outside the museum, you’d think he was a statue if you didn’t know better. Very fun.

After I was done there I went across the river to St. Paul’s Cathedral and there happened to be a mass going on so I sat in for that. It was very neat. I’m not catholic, but I think their services are absolutely beautiful.

There’s St. Paul’s behind me.

Sunday I mostly just wandered around the Subway system, lol.

Which is a lot easier than trying to figure out which way the cars are coming from!

I did manage to make it the whole weekend without so much as a close call. I was only able to do that by looking back and forth about six times both ways before crossing the street as my brain simply doesn’t comprehend the cars driving on the left side of the road! lol.

I visited Harrods only to find out they’re closed on Sundays. Oh well, it’s probably for the best since I would’ve been tempted to spend more money than I needed to, hehe. I then headed out to the airport and back home.

There’s my plane. I actually got to use stairs on and off the plane for the first time! I’ve always wanted to do that.

I really enjoyed myself. London is a wonderful city and I can’t wait to go back again.


Nog een keer!




  1. looks like you had fun. 🙂 good job on the pics and links in your post too. Very nice! *thumbs up* I can see you being a story tell of some sorts, that seems like somthing you would love doing. Sounds like a neat job too… “what do you do?” ‘i’m a storyteller in London.’ *giggle*

  2. Caitlin

    I want to go!!

  3. Bea

    o wat leuk!!!!!!

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