You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: Zoo

Weekly Wesley: Thirteen


This week we had a weight check for Wesley. We were suspicious that he wasn’t gaining weight since all he’s still in newborn sized clothes.


Unfortunately we were right and he not only wasn’t gaining weight but he’d lost a few ounces. Luckily our pediatrician is very supportive and since Wesley seems perfectly healthy in every other way he is only mildly concerned right now. Instead of pushing formula right away he recommended we give Wesley olive oil at each feeding.


He was not a fan and we honestly didn’t do it for long since I’m convinced he spat out more than he actually swallowed. It was just torture for all of us. I’m doing everything I can to get my supply up and  we have a check up in about two weeks so we’ll see if the weight loss was just a fluke or if we have to take more serious measures to get him to gain weight.

A more positive milestone this week was Wesley’s first trip to the zoo.


It was pretty hot so we mostly tried to stick to indoor exhibits and we didn’t stay that long. We still had a fun time though.




Not sure how much he could really see but he seemed pretty fascinated by the dolphin show for awhile there. It will be so neat to go when he’s older and can really enjoy seeing the animals.

Other milestones:

  • We gave him his first bottle in preparation for my night out. He didn’t like it much, and liked it even less when I was actually out. Poor buddy.


  • I had my first evening away from Wesley. I had a ton of fun at my friend’s bachelorette party, it’s too bad Wesley and Joel didn’t have as good of a time.


  • I noticed Wesley has really been chewing on his shirt and fingers so I gave him his Taggies blanket and he loves it.


Wesley gets more animated and expressive every day. Here are a few adorable yet gratuitous shots from the week.


So many expressions.


What’s that son?


He loves his daddy.


How can I mind riding in the back with him when I get to look at this sweet face the whole way? Answer: I don’t mind a bit.


Sweetest little grin.

A Day at the Zoo

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