You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: WordPress

WordCamp Chicago

I had such a fantastic time at the conference this weekend. If there’s a WordCamp in your area I highly encourage you to go. It’s affordable and the information is invaluable. I know I probably shouldn’t have been, but I was surprised at how much I learned. I’ve been using WordPress for three years and am just now realizing how cool it actually is? That’s what I get for letting Joel take care of all my technical stuff for me.

It was neat to get to go to a conference “with” Joel. I say “with” because there were two tracks, a user and a developer. I’m sure it’s not hard for you to guess which one I chose.

hint: The only things I know how to code are links and photos. I am super proud of my knowledge of two HTML codes*. Two.

Still don’t know? Here’s another hint: Before the start this morning I was sitting with Joel at his table, visiting and drinking coffee. Since we were in the developer room a few of them started talking about some something or other. Something about code or websites or links or yeah, something. Sitting there hearing them speak English and yet not really knowing what the heck they were talking about I felt like I was watching the Spanish Channel. I understand a little Spanish, enough to get around in a pinch. Watching Spanish TV I catch a few words, bueno, loco, casa, el bano, la puerta… etc** and I might even be able to catch the general meaning of the conversation. Actually understanding? Not so much. That’s pretty much how I felt listening to them talk.

Anyway, I didn’t seem much of Joel except for during breaks but it worked out. The speakers were so incredibly interesting I probably wouldn’t have paid that much attention to him. Plus, I met a bunch of really nice people and on my side (users) I could even understand full conversations.

Besides the details I learned at each session, I learned three major things this weekend:

1. I have to redesign my blog. And by I of course I mean Joel.

2. I should probably get some cards printed up. I’m fairly certain I was the only one there without business cards for my blog. Me = Loser!

3. I really, really wish I was going to BlogHer this year. If I enjoyed this smallish conference this much I can just imagine the nerdgasm BlogHer would have been for me. ::sigh:: Next year.

*Joel informed me it’s HTML tags, not codes ::facepalm::

**Don’t know if I spelled those words right. Like I said, I know a little Spanish.

Twitter takes the brunt of my snark

What a long but great day. Whew! It started at WordCamp Chicago which was really interesting. I learned some cool things and got really inspired. I also feel a lot of pressure for this to be a super awesome post. It’s not going to be. Why? Because I’m exhausted. Don’t worry, I did get some great ideas for my blog so I’ll be making some decent changes over the next days and weeks.

At least I found out I wasn’t as completely clueless as I thought. I mean, I’m nowhere near developer level or anything but I have a pretty foundational understanding of WordPress and how to blog in general. ::pats self on back::

Another thing I learned? Not being able to get internet connection on my phone and therefore barely being able to twitter makes me kind of stabby. I knew that. However, I did not realize that it significantly increases how snarky I am out loud. Apparently I need Twitter as an outlet or I just blurt out one snarky comment after the other.

Oh yeah, and? I hate AT&T.

Even though it would’ve been great to stay we had to cut out of WordCamp after lunch because we had a friend’s wedding to attend. The wedding was totally worth missing sessions for because it was so sweet. Weddings make me feel so mushy and lovey. I’m so happy to be married ::cue aws:: The couple that got married are just the nicest people you will ever meet and they’re so obviously madly in love. The wedding fit them perfectly and I had a wonderful time.

Congratulations you two!

Anyway, tomorrow is day two of WordCamp and I’m excited. It’s going to be another early morning though so excuse me while I pass out.

P.S. If you’re new make sure to say hi on Twitter!

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