So, my clothes have been fitting way too snug for my liking lately. Possibly Definitely something to do with that year of unemployment. Being unemployed is actually really depressing. I felt useless and worthless way too often. Ironically it made me want to curl up and do less.

Finally starting work again has made me so much happier already. I got up this morning and actually had breakfast with Joel(!). I cannot even remember the last time we did that. I am one to sleep until past the last possible second. I then rush around like a crazy person in order to not be late. Most of the time I make it out the door in the nick of time. Sometimes I don’t. It makes mornings stressful and too often Joel and I end up snapping at each other.

This morning was different for no particular reason. In fact, I did not sleep well the night before. My mind wouldn’t stop racing and I ended up with probably 4 hours of sleep, at best. Normally that would have meant that I would have been next to impossible to get out of bed. For some reason, I was barely tired. In fact, Joel was being nice and was going to let me sleep a little longer but I woke up on my own and was up before he was out of the shower. Just weird.

Anyway, my energy carried through the whole day. Today was the day before the soft opening so the store was a crazy rush to get everything set up and stocked and ready for customers tomorrow. The amount that goes into opening a store is insane! Insane I say!

The first three hours I spent sorting and double checking labels and prices on wine. Dealing with wine? Not as relaxing as you might expect. In fact, I’d say it’s the exact opposite of relaxing. I have been known to have some really clumsy moments. Dropping an expensive bottle of wine (because you know the bottle I would drop would be an expensive one) is not the kind of first impression I want to make on all my new bosses.

The worst was when I had to move an entire cart full of bottles around the store. That cart was holding almost $1,700 worth of wine. You better believe I have never moved so slowly or carefully in my life. All the while with visions of hitting a bump and watching the whole cart shatter around me. Ugh, it still makes me tense just thinking about it.

Thankfully, my practice with walking around turbulent airplanes paid off and all the bottle remained intact. I also have a much better idea of our wine selection at the store (hint, it’s big and amazing*). Had I been doing the project in a tub of foam? I would have been having an absolute blast. Since the floors are concrete instead of foam I just had a cautiously enjoyable time.

After all the wine was put safely back on it’s shelves and I could breathe normally again we had some more barista training. Another rep from Intelligentsia came out, this time to show us how to use our actual equipment and how to make flavored drinks, teas and brewed coffee. You guys know what a Starbucks fanatic I’ve been right? I mean I loooove Starbucks. Yum. This coffee? Makes Starbucks taste like instant Folgers. Seriously, best. coffee. ever. And not just because I made it either.

After the training was more organizing, putting away, labeling etc etc. The next thing I knew I checked the time and it was 5:30pm. I got to the store at 11am! I literally hadn’t taken the time to pee yet! TMI? Sorry. But seriously. Thank goodness I ate breakfast.

I’d like to point out that I wasn’t forced to work nonstop like that with no breaks. I was just so busy I didn’t think about it. I also was having a good time. I know that sounds crazy and you may have to remind me of this in a few months when I just don’t want to get out of bed but for now, I’m having so much of a blast I forget to eat.

And that, my friends, is why this post is labeled the working diet. If I can keep being so busy that I don’t have time to get hungry I’ll be back in my skinny jeans in no time flat.

Of course, as soon as the store opens and I can buy all kinds of ridiculously high quality delicious food on my breaks, my plan may not seem so brilliant.
