You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: toes

Weekly Wesley: Fifteen


We got good news this week. We had another appointment with the pediatrician and Wesley gained 9 ounces in two weeks. It’s just slightly under the expected 1 ounce per day but it’s not so little that they’re concerned. He’s just a tiny, healthy peanut. Yay!

Other than that this week was pretty relaxed. We went over to my brother’s house at the end of the week and had a cookout.


We watched my nephews and my grandma in the lake but decided Wesley is a bit too young to participate in the swimming himself.

lake cuddles

We had a nice time visiting with everyone and relaxing though.

We needed the relaxation after the car ride over there. Poor guy has decided that he hates the car and sometimes me singing to him works. But other times the only way he’ll stop screaming his ever loving brains out is if we stop the car completely and he has a calming nursing session.


I love the nursing but it’s pretty frustrating that it takes two to three times as long to get anywhere lately.

In other news, toes are still extremely fascinating.


As are books all of the sudden.


You think he’s trying to tell me something?


I don’t take too many pictures. Hush.


This is how Joel calms Wesley down when I’m away. I think his favorite person might be mirror baby.


And last photo, just because his smile is the best in the whole world.

Weekly Wesley: Fourteen


This past week mister dude turned three months old. I already published the official photo but here are a few outtakes.


Funny faced close up.


It took us a couple tries to actually get the shot because little man was not a happy camper.


A boy and his dog.

Another big thing this week was we celebrated the Fourth of July!


That meant Joel had a really short week of work so we spent it napping.


And cuddling.


And going to the drive-in.


Other milestones:

  • Wesley actually discovered his foot. It was the most hilarious thing ever. All of the sudden it caught his eye and he could not stop staring at it.



Weekly Wesley: Fourteen


This past week mister dude turned three months old. I already published the official photo but here are a few outtakes.


Funny faced close up.


It took us a couple tries to actually get the shot because little man was not a happy camper.


A boy and his dog.

Another big thing this week was we celebrated the Fourth of July!


That meant Joel had a really short week of work so we spent it napping.


And cuddling.


And going to the drive-in.


Other milestones:

  • Wesley actually discovered his foot. It was the most hilarious thing ever. All of the sudden it caught his eye and he could not stop staring at it.



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