
This is late going up because Sunday was Father’s Day. It was a packed week full of firsts though so better late than never right?

One huge thing we did this week was take Wesley to his first Cubs game.


And of course we had to to get him a “My First Cubs Tee” shirt for the occasion.


Our little family in front of Wrigley.


Baby’s gotta eat too. Fist bump for nursing in public.

Wesley was super popular. Everyone was oohing and aahing about how cute he is and how little he is. The guy sitting next to us even told us about the certificates they give out for your first visit. So of course we had to get one and take a picture with it.


The reason we went, other than to take Wesley to his first Cubs game, was as a birthday present for my little brother. My brother is such a cool kid… well, at 16 he’s barely a kid anymore but yeah. One of my favorite things was watching him with Wesley. He is a complete natural with him.


And Wesley clearly adores him too.


Wittle baby rolls. Looooove.

Another thing we did this past week was take Wesley to the drive-in. I’ve been dying to see the new Star Trek movie but taking Wesley to a regular movie theater was really intimidating to me. I knew he might do well. He might just nurse and sleep through the whole thing. Or he might not. I was really concerned it would be too loud for him, especially since it’s action movie with explosions and such. The drive in was the perfect alternative.


We arrived a little late for the first movie (Epic) and I fed Wesley and then walked him around outside until he fell asleep. We could control the volume and the tiny bit of fussing he did didn’t bother anyone and neither of us had to miss any of the movie. The only downside was how late it started/ended. Of course that can’t be helped but getting up the next morning was a bit rough.

We ended the week by celebrating Father’s Day. I already wrote about that a bit but I didn’t mention that we got to have breakfast with Joel’s dad.


We didn’t get to see my dad which was a bit of a bummer but it was a super nice, relaxing day which is I think, exactly what Joel wanted.

Lastly, I have to share this gorgeous photo I took while we were watching a thunderstorm this week.


I hope our little guy keeps liking thunderstorms as much as his dad and I do.