Today we had an extra person in the barista department so instead of going home early (again. Hey, I took two weeks off, I need every penny I can get.) I helped in the grocery department. I went through the dairy case to check for expired product. Fun times. I only lost a finger tip to frostbite so it’s all good.

Anyway, as I was taking away the soon to expire milk, I passed an older gentleman. He was shuffling along and as I approached him I smiled and said hello, as I do with all customers. He stopped right in his tracks, his eyes got wide, and a huge grin spread across his face. His hands flew up in a gesture towards me and he exclaimed,

“Oh my gosh there is a santa claus!”

Aaaaand I died.

I walked to the back and tried not to snort too much in my giggle fit. One of my coworkers was back there and obviously asked what happened since I was practically doubled over laughing. I told him what the old dude said and he suggested that maybe the guy was hitting on me.

The thing is, this guy was old enough to be my great grandfather. It was just the most random thing to say ever, especially when accompanied by the look of shock and happiness on his face.

I don’t really know what to make of what I assume was a compliment. I do know I seemed to make him happy just by walking around the corner and smiling. And considering the fact that I have tears of joy streaming down my face as I write this, I’d say he did the same for me.