I literally cannot believe we’re actually on our way to India. We’re leaving. Today. Now.

I’ve dreamed of this since I was 12 years old.

And I’m going.

It seems so unreal. I wonder when it will start feeling real.

When I actually board the plane to Germany? When I board the plane to Bombay? When I step off the plane in Bombay? When I actually step on Indian soil in Delhi? When I first lay eyes on the Taj Mahal? When I give my first hug to an Indian orphan?

I was so afraid to hope for this trip. So afraid to get excited. Because honestly, this means the world to me. My heart aches to go to India and connect with it’s people. It has since I was 12. So letting myself actually believe that I’m going has been hard.

It was easier once the ticket was donated and we were able to buy the other one. But it still hasn’t fully sunk in.

I’m going to India. Today. Not just someday. Today.

I hope I am able to rest on the plane. I want to be fully alert when I land so I can soak in every single second of my time there.

While I’m gone I will continue to have posts go up every day. I have an incredible series of guest posts lined up that will post most of the days that I’m gone. There will also be a couple fun videos and Wordless Wednesdays posts thrown in.

The theme for the series I picked was life dreams. I feel like it’s fitting since I am in the middle of fulfilling one of my biggest life dreams. I left it fairly open beyond that and I was amazed at the different responses I got from my guest posters. The thing I was most surprised at was how similar everyone is.

Most of them have very different lives but it seems that one thing we all have in common is our dreams. Big, small or somewhere in the middle we all dream. We all feel inadequate or frustrated when our plans and goals don’t work out the way we thought they would. We all hope and wish and plan for our future.

My favorite people to be around are dreamers and I couldn’t be more honored to host these amazing writers on my humble little blog.

I’m not sure what my internet situation will be while I’m there. I’m hoping I can respond to tweets and comments but I just don’t know. I am scheduling tweets to go out when the posts go up so you can look forward to those.

I will miss all you lovely people and can’t wait to share my adventures and pictures as soon as I get back.