Minus the standby fiascos Denver was a perfect trip. I seriously had so much fun and met some really amazing people. I of course took a ton of pictures so I’m going to break them up into a couple of posts.

Beautiful view of Red Rock with Denver off in the distance.

Here we are. It was a beautiful day.

The group walking back to the car.

Next up on the agenda was a tour of the Coors brewery.

Off we go!


The tours were self guided. That’s why we have the awesome phone things up to our ears in most of these pictures.

Joel’s a nerd. “Scanning” his first sample of Coors.

In line for our samples. Which should I get?

This is probably one of the very few times you will every see a beer in my hand. It was free, how could I say no?

This was the first half of our first day. More pictures to come tomorrow!