Not going to lie, I’m jealous of all the bloggers heading over to New York for BlogHer. However, with me being on furlough (and not getting a paycheck for almost a year) going just wasn’t realistic for me this year. Even though I’m ok with not going I still felt a little left out of all the

OMG I just got the cutest dress for x cocktail party #BlogHer10

I only have 3 days until I leave and I haven’t even packed yet. #bad #BlogHer10

So, exactly how many extra suitcases will I need for all the swag I’ll be hauling back from #BlogHer10?

tweets. Who wouldn’t?

Thank goodness for Maya of @MarfMom and Stefany of @ToBeThode hosting the No-GoBlogHer Blog Hop. A chance to meet new bloggers without having to pay for a hotel or change out of my sweatpants? Win!


1. When did you start blogging?

The first blog I started was in late 2004. Skywaitress I started in January of 2008. I had a blog (that I rarely updated) in between the two.

2. Why did you start blogging?

The first blog I started was to journal my time as an au pair in The Netherlands. For me personally it’s fun to read back through because there are so many memories. As a blogger I cringe at my lack of paragraph breaks and factual story telling methods.

My second blog isn’t really even worth talking about as I rarely updated it. I did import the archives onto Skywaitress if you’re really interested.

I started this blog (Skywaitress) to keep track of my adventures as a flight attendant. I’ve been furloughed for a year now but I still manage to have plenty of adventures even though I’m not getting paid to have them anymore.

3. What is one thing you are going to do this week that is WAY cooler than going to BlogHer?

Participating in the blog hop of course!

But seriously, I plan on enjoying time at home with my husband and puppy, having a movie night at my grandpa’s house and having my sister and brother-in-law over this weekend to celebrate her birthday. Family is incredibly important to me. I’m lucky enough to be blessed with a ridiculously awesome one.

Oh, and I plan on wearing pajamas a lot. Pajamas are so much cooler than cocktail dresses. Really.

4. Share a post that you think says a lot about you or is your favorite.

I actually had a lot of fun going back through my archives and reading through some of my old posts. I can’t pick just one favorite. I narrowed it down to four.

*Some of my favorite and least favorite things about being a flight attendant. It’s not always the glamorous job people picture. I almost always love it though: On being a flight attendant: The best and the worst

*I’m 24 and even though it’s still a ways off I feel like 30 is creeping up on me. How will I measure if I’ve been successful at being a twenty something? With a list of goals that I’m working to accomplish by the time I turn the big three-oh of course:  30 by 30

*And finally, my tag line for this blog is You only live once, This is how I’m doing it. What I mean by that is I want to look at every day as an adventure. Whether the adventure is big like going to a movie premiere in Sydney: An adventure down under or a making a silly vlog of: A day at the zoo

I hope you enjoyed getting to know my blog. Please look around and leave me a comment to let me know that you did. I look forward to getting to know you and will definitely return the favor. ::smile::