You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: Argentina

Anniversary Vacation Part Three

After we got back from Uruguay we were hungry so we decided to visit one of Joel’s favorite restaurants, Hard Rock Cafe. It was a much longer walk than it looked like on the map but we finally made it.

This building looks rather epic but, it’s actually a giant mall that only has stores that have to do with home design. The Hard Rock is also in this building.

Here we are.

Joel loves his bacon cheese burgers.

I, on the other hand, enjoy the entire cow.

For dessert we walked a bit further and found a rather famous ice cream shop that had some of the best ice cream ever.

It was probably the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten. I choose the banana split flavor. Imagine for a minute: Creamy chocolate and vanilla ice cream with just a hint of banana marbled with thick ribbons of rich caramel then drizzled with chocolaty fudge and sprinkled with dark chocolate shavings all in a sweet waffle cone. Hungry yet?

Plus they deliver! As much as I’d love to have some in my neighborhood it’s probably better that it’s not. At least for my waistline, that is.

After our delicious dessert we walked back to the hotel and got some much needed sleep on our last night in Argentina.

The next morning we took our time getting up and enjoyed one last breakfast at the hotel. Since our flight didn’t leave until late in the evening, we had time to walk up the Caminito. The Caminito is a little neighborhood (basically one little street, really) that all the houses are painted bright, primary colors. This was definitely one of my favorite places in the city, even though it was quite a distance from pretty much everything else.

A fun little mural welcoming us into the neighborhood of the Caminito, La Boca.

Here it is, the street known as the Caminito.

Many of the cafes have tango dancers out front to draw the tourists in to eat.

What an amazing trip this was. We were able to see and do so much. Plus, we had so much quality time together to bond and reconnect. Living apart because of my job can be really hard sometimes but trips like this are why we’re doing it for now. I can’t wait to see where we end up next!

Anniversary Vacation Part Two

Day three of our trip was easily our busiest day. We got up and enjoyed another wonderful breakfast before heading down to the water to catch a ferry over to Colonia, Uruguay. It was a bit of a hassle finding the right place to catch the boat (Argentinians don’t seem to be very good at giving directions no matter how good their English is) but we made it just in time and arrived in Colonia a short hour later.

Colonia is quaint little town that is quiet and very beautiful. Here are a couple pictures around the town.

The whole town is full of old little houses and beautiful, flowery trees.

Here is the inside of that church above.

It’s also fall down in South America now and the changing leaves made it that much prettier.

Next to the water is a little light house that, for less than a dollar, you could go up in.

Here is the view from up there. You can see the boat we came in on in the distance.

Here we are up on the top of the lighthouse.

Joel being silly. One of the many reasons I love him so much.

After we walked around the town for a few hours, we hopped back on the ferry and returned to B.A.

Here is a view of the skyline from the ferry.

Next up: Our evening at Hard Rock, finding some of the best ice cream ever and our final day in the city.

Anniversary Vacation Part One

This month was Joel and my second wedding anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been married for two years already! In celebration we decided to take a little vacation down to Buenos Aires, Argentina. We had four beautiful days together and had an amazing time. There is too much to put into one post so I will spread it out over a couple posts.

We left Dulles Airport late Monday night and were seated in business class. I definitely felt like a rock star sitting there with my husband and it enabled us to get some good rest on the ten and half hour flight down there. We arrived Tuesday morning and were greeted by our driver who had been arranged by our hotel to pick us up at the airport. We chose to stay at the Claridge Hotel which is a five star hotel in the center of the city and we were not disappointed. We had a very comfortable room and we spent the first day doing nothing but settling in and ordering room service. Hey, it was an anniversary trip after all. *wink*

The next morning we enjoyed our delicious, complimentary champagne breakfast. I very rarely get up in time to enjoy breakfast but this was not to be missed. We then went out to explore the city.

We started out on Florida Street which was just a block from our hotel. It has a lot of great shopping and is one of the busiest streets in the city.

We made our way past the Obelisk, which is a defining land mark of the city.


Look, we really were there.

Here are several more pictures of the streets of B.A.

There are lots of cute, brightly colored buildings like this scattered throughout the city.

We wandered down to the water where we picked up some delicious ice cream and enjoyed the sun and the view.

A nice refreshing treat on a warm, sunny afternoon.

Part of our view of the water.

After we had seen all we wanted to see for the day we headed back to the hotel to enjoy the warm evening air by the pool and send some postcards to people back home.

We’ve got a lot of family!

Writing home.

Later that evening we decided to try one of the things Argentina is most famous for: steak.

We went to a place just around the corner from our hotel called El Establo. It was a traditional, little steak house. The menu had easily two or three dozen different options for the cuts of beef and how it was prepared. Our waiter obviously saw our overwhelmed looks as neither Joel nor I are experts on the different cuts of a cow. Even though he didn’t speak any English he did a great job of helping us pick out which cut we should get. And let me just say he knew exactly what he was talking about. Best. Steak. Ever!

I am not kidding you this may have been the best thing I have ever put in my mouth. I am completely spoiled when it comes to steak now. These cuts of meat made every other steak I’ve ever had look like hamburger, no kidding.

Here we are enjoying our amazing dinner.

After that we headed back to the hotel to get rested up for our next day of adventures which will be part two. Stay tuned!

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