One of my favorite things about living in the city is the plethora of restaurants. I’m pretty sure any type of food you can think of is within a five mile radius of me. My favorite place right now is the Pannenkoeken Cafe. Now I may be a little biased because they serve Dutch food but seriously it’s amazing. They use really high quality ingredients and the owner learned to make them in Amsterdam so they’re very authentic. Joel and I went there for his birthday. Just look at how yummy this looks:

This is the apple cinnamon version. Heaven for your mouth, seriously.

This was the Belgian waffle that Joel got. Also, so amazingly good.

The restaurant is the size of a shoe box, I think there are maybe six tables total. It’s bright and cheery and I love eating there. Also, the last time when we ate there we found out you can order take out from them. Uh oh!

If you live in the Chicago area or even are just visiting it is more than worth trying out. I promise you won’t be disappointed!