You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Tag: 36 weeks

In which I look ridiculous

AiW300A little over a week ago I got to perform with my dance studio in their hip-hop production of Alice in Wonderland. I was a crazy guest for the tea party.

We’ve been preparing for this for months and I basically had the attitude that if the baby cooperated I would do it. I wasn’t sure how realistic that plan was though since it was scheduled for almost exactly a month before my due date. How many people do you know who perform in a hip hop production at 9 months pregnant?

Yeah me neither.

But dance is my exercise as well as my passion so I learned the dances and just kept an open mind about things. I finally got brave enough to ask my doctor when I should plan to stop dancing (I say brave because I honestly didn’t want to be told I had to stop. Ever.) and got the amazingly hilarious, “when you’re crowning.” response so I fully committed to doing this performance.

I had so much fun.


Photo credit DLD Dance Center

I also clearly need to work on being more expressive.

Joel put together a little series of clips of my parts in the show.

I wish I could show you the whole thing in it’s entirety but it’s not my choreography or my music. The songs we danced to were Tea Party by Kerli and Outta Your Mind by Lil Jon feat LMFAO if you want to use your imagination.

Dancing at nine months pregnant is not something I recommend for the faint of heart. After dress rehearsal the day before and then the performance I was in a lot of pain for few days. Like, walking like a 90 year old woman, pain. I also felt completely ridiculous with my giant belly. Luckily as part of the crazy tea party I was supposed to look ridiculous so that worked out.

Funny side story. Backstage was nothing but concrete floors and metal chairs and I knew my back couldn’t stand hours of that on top of the dancing so I brought my own comfy lawn chair. I was supervising some of the kids back stage and of course they gave me a bit of a funny look when I pulled my own chair out so I said something along the lines of, “growing a human is hard.” Later I grunted or something while standing up and one of the little girls said, “Was that because you’re growing a human?” with a look of concern. I about died laughing. Kids are the cutest.

Anyway, I only had one person tell me that they were worried my water was going to break while they watched me perform so I guess, win? I hope I inspired someone or at least made them smile with my ridiculousness. If nothing else I had a blast and did not give birth on stage. That is a definite win.

In which I look ridiculous

AiW300A little over a week ago I got to perform with my dance studio in their hip-hop production of Alice in Wonderland. I was a crazy guest for the tea party.

We’ve been preparing for this for months and I basically had the attitude that if the baby cooperated I would do it. I wasn’t sure how realistic that plan was though since it was scheduled for almost exactly a month before my due date. How many people do you know who perform in a hip hop production at 9 months pregnant?

Yeah me neither.

But dance is my exercise as well as my passion so I learned the dances and just kept an open mind about things. I finally got brave enough to ask my doctor when I should plan to stop dancing (I say brave because I honestly didn’t want to be told I had to stop. Ever.) and got the amazingly hilarious, “when you’re crowning.” response so I fully committed to doing this performance.

I had so much fun.


Photo credit DLD Dance Center

I also clearly need to work on being more expressive.

Joel put together a little series of clips of my parts in the show.

I wish I could show you the whole thing in it’s entirety but it’s not my choreography or my music. The songs we danced to were Tea Party by Kerli and Outta Your Mind by Lil Jon feat LMFAO if you want to use your imagination.

Dancing at nine months pregnant is not something I recommend for the faint of heart. After dress rehearsal the day before and then the performance I was in a lot of pain for few days. Like, walking like a 90 year old woman, pain. I also felt completely ridiculous with my giant belly. Luckily as part of the crazy tea party I was supposed to look ridiculous so that worked out.

Funny side story. Backstage was nothing but concrete floors and metal chairs and I knew my back couldn’t stand hours of that on top of the dancing so I brought my own comfy lawn chair. I was supervising some of the kids back stage and of course they gave me a bit of a funny look when I pulled my own chair out so I said something along the lines of, “growing a human is hard.” Later I grunted or something while standing up and one of the little girls said, “Was that because you’re growing a human?” with a look of concern. I about died laughing. Kids are the cutest.

Anyway, I only had one person tell me that they were worried my water was going to break while they watched me perform so I guess, win? I hope I inspired someone or at least made them smile with my ridiculousness. If nothing else I had a blast and did not give birth on stage. That is a definite win.

36 weeks


Nine months pregnant today.

One week away from full term.

One month from my due date.

Holy moly!

This week was amazing. Remember how last week I talked about the interview we had on Saturday for childcare? Big. Fat. Lie.

Of course I didn’t know it was a lie. It was Joel’s super conspiracy to get me to my surprise baby shower! It deserves it’s own post so I’ll just say that it was amazing and I’ve been floating on a happy high from it all week long.

In baby news we’re down to weekly appointments now for the midwife/OB. This week we did the GBS test and I’m crossing all my crossables that it comes back negative so I don’t have to have an IV during labor. Yes, I know some people opt out of it and there are some natural treatments but I honestly could never be comfortable with that. So, I’m just hoping it’s a non issue. I really hate needles. Hopefully I’ll find out at my appointment next week.

Everything else looks good. I was measuring a week behind but I only knew that because I know what the number is supposed to be. The midwife said it was great. His heartrate is fantastic and he is kicking like crazy. He is definitely opinionated, he kicked and wiggled away from the doppler as usual. It’s just 1cm difference so really it could have meant he was just lying a little funky. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. As long as he’s healthy I honestly would not mind a tiny baby. For practical reasons, you understand.

I feel like a house and I’m pretty much on permanent duck waddle status. I swear I’m growing my son’s twin in my brand new extra chins though. Looking through the pictures for the shower I had to cringe a bit. All the chins! sigh Oh well, I always did have a round face, pregnancy has just made it worse. Not saying this to fish for compliments, just being real.

Still no stretch marks but I don’t hold out for that lasting much longer. Also, my belly button is on the verge of popping. Sometimes if I’m laughing really hard it almost pops and it freaks Joel out. Then him freaking out makes me laugh even harder and my belly button comes even closer to popping… and it’s a vicious cycle.

I’ve been having a few contractions on and off. Obviously nothing to be remotely worried about. Unless you’re Joel and then you’ll start timing things if I have more than one in a row. It is pretty cute how jumpy he is about every wince and groan of mine. And trust me, there’s quite a lot of wincing and groaning going on. I try to downplay things but standing up and moving is quite the effort anymore so I’m not often very successful.

This weekend I’ll be performing in a hip hop version of Alice in Wonderland with my dance studio. I will make sure Joel takes lots of pictures because I feel like the amusement factor of me doing hip hop with my giant belly will be quite high.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my second maternity shoot post.

36 weeks


Nine months pregnant today.

One week away from full term.

One month from my due date.

Holy moly!

This week was amazing. Remember how last week I talked about the interview we had on Saturday for childcare? Big. Fat. Lie.

Of course I didn’t know it was a lie. It was Joel’s super conspiracy to get me to my surprise baby shower! It deserves it’s own post so I’ll just say that it was amazing and I’ve been floating on a happy high from it all week long.

In baby news we’re down to weekly appointments now for the midwife/OB. This week we did the GBS test and I’m crossing all my crossables that it comes back negative so I don’t have to have an IV during labor. Yes, I know some people opt out of it and there are some natural treatments but I honestly could never be comfortable with that. So, I’m just hoping it’s a non issue. I really hate needles. Hopefully I’ll find out at my appointment next week.

Everything else looks good. I was measuring a week behind but I only knew that because I know what the number is supposed to be. The midwife said it was great. His heartrate is fantastic and he is kicking like crazy. He is definitely opinionated, he kicked and wiggled away from the doppler as usual. It’s just 1cm difference so really it could have meant he was just lying a little funky. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. As long as he’s healthy I honestly would not mind a tiny baby. For practical reasons, you understand.

I feel like a house and I’m pretty much on permanent duck waddle status. I swear I’m growing my son’s twin in my brand new extra chins though. Looking through the pictures for the shower I had to cringe a bit. All the chins! sigh Oh well, I always did have a round face, pregnancy has just made it worse. Not saying this to fish for compliments, just being real.

Still no stretch marks but I don’t hold out for that lasting much longer. Also, my belly button is on the verge of popping. Sometimes if I’m laughing really hard it almost pops and it freaks Joel out. Then him freaking out makes me laugh even harder and my belly button comes even closer to popping… and it’s a vicious cycle.

I’ve been having a few contractions on and off. Obviously nothing to be remotely worried about. Unless you’re Joel and then you’ll start timing things if I have more than one in a row. It is pretty cute how jumpy he is about every wince and groan of mine. And trust me, there’s quite a lot of wincing and groaning going on. I try to downplay things but standing up and moving is quite the effort anymore so I’m not often very successful.

This weekend I’ll be performing in a hip hop version of Alice in Wonderland with my dance studio. I will make sure Joel takes lots of pictures because I feel like the amusement factor of me doing hip hop with my giant belly will be quite high.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my second maternity shoot post.

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