You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Weekly Wesley: Twelve


After the busyness of last week this week was delightfully low key.


We did a lot of reading and lying around the house cuddling. I also decided to practice Manual mode on our Nikon. I’m ashamed to say I generally shoot on auto… and that’s when I actually pick up the Nikon. I am way too dependent on my iPhone. Bad mommy. Anyway, here are a couple of the shots I got of my gorgeous baby.



I realized as I was viewing them on my computer that I had the ISO set way too high and I am not great at getting the focus where I want it to be all the time. The focus thing I’m sure is partially my fault and partially because I’m using the crappy kit lens (Who am I kidding? It’s probably all my fault.) I’m pretty happy with the results though and I’m determined to pull out the Nikon at least several times a week. I know future me will appreciate it more than a bunch of crappy instagrams.

In developmental news Wesley is getting better at tummy time all the time.


We get more and more of this ^…


before it turns into this ^. I hate to see him cry like that but I know it’s good for him so I suck it up. Still, baby tears. Oh my heart.

It’s obviously doing some good though because he finally rolled over on purpose.


He was crying and once he got on his back his look of confusion and relief cracked me up.

He’s also really noticing things around him. I can show him toys and he actually looks at them with interest.


He even talks and coos at the mobile on the mamaRoo.


He gets almost as into smiling and talking to that thing as he does with me. My feeling are totally not hurt by that. Ahem.

Other milestones:

  • I found out he love The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Sometimes it’s the only song that calms him down. So random.
  • I also found out that in the car just the sight of my face can calm him a lot. He was beside himself and we couldn’t pull over so I climbed in the back and he almost instantly calmed down just by seeing me and me rubbing his cheek. I kind of feel like a jerk for not discovering this sooner.
  • He turns his head when I call his name. I can also get him to look in a different direction when I snap my fingers.

He is just such a happy baby. Every week he gets more and more interactive and I’m loving every minute.



Weekly Wesley: Eleven


Weekly Wesley: Thirteen

1 Comment

  1. That’s awesome you can calm him down in the car! My little one is the opposite. If she can see me too well in the car, like if I’m in the backseat for some reason, and she can’t be in my lap or have me holding her, it’s torturous to her! I have to stay in the front see where she can clearly see I can’t get to her!

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