You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Maternity Photos (Part 2)

My sister is so incredibly talented. I’m not sure why she doesn’t do photography professionally but I’m lucky to be related to her which means I get to benefit from her talent almost exclusively. We had so much fun doing this shoot, as I’m sure you’ll be able to tell. We went to the Indiana Dunes State Park in the middle of winter because we are crazy people. It actually wasn’t too bad though and I’m sure you’ll agree it was totally worth any slight discomfort temperature-wise. We also took a few back at her house.

There are a bunch because I seriously couldn’t narrow it down anymore.









And lastly a little tease…


Remember how we said we weren’t going to share the name with anyone until the birth? Yeah, we fell in love with a name and couldn’t wait. We revealed it at my shower and tomorrow when I post about it I will share it with you, Internets. And if your ex-boyfriend, elementary school bully or murderous ancestor shared that name? Don’t tell me because we love it and I can’t imagine we’d change it.

P.s. if you think the editing on these pictures suck blame me. She gave me the raw images and I played around in Photoshop with them and I have zero idea what I’m doing. So yeah, I need a class or something.


36 weeks


Surprise Baby Shower!


  1. Thomas

    WOW. Your sister did a wonderful job. She should go professional and you look gorgeous. Hope everything with you and the baby continue to go well.

  2. Rachel Pendleton

    I LOVE the one with the blue shirt and Phoebe touching your belly!

  3. I love the picture of your baby girl touching your belly.

  4. These are so cute! I love your striped shirt 🙂

    • Thanks! Yeah, I’m so glad I got that. And it worked perfectly for my shower (even though I wasn’t aware that’s what I was wearing it for, haha).

  5. Love the ones with your little papillon included… they just look so “complete.” 🙂 They all turned out so well!

  6. Gorgeous pictures and you look amazing!!

  7. I love the photo of you two walking Phoebe. Does she have little booties on? If so, I may have just squealed at the cuteness!

  8. I love the shot of your striped top! I kept wanting to crop out the top part (your hair) and make it look more abstract. But that’s just me. =)

    Congrats momma!

    • Yeah, that would be kind of cool, it’s more of an abstract shot to begin with so making it more so would be neat. I may play around with that.

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