You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

After a storm…

there’s a rainbow:

I’m 17 weeks.


I know. I’ll get into the reasons why we waited so long to share in another post. They might be different than you’d expect (although if you’ve experienced a loss maybe not).

For now I’ll say that the baby seems healthy. I had a rough go of it as far as “morning” (ha! I wish) sickness goes but I’m slowly moving past that and thanking God every day for the invention of Zofran. Other than that, things have been going well.

I would post a bump picture but so far there’s really none to speak of unless you’re looking at me naked and I have a strict no naked pictures policy on this blog. I can tell my waistline has changed though and I find myself wanting to shout “I haven’t just eaten too many cheeseburgers, I’m pregnant!” to everyone I meet.

But I digress.

I’m falling more and more in love with this baby especially since I’ve felt the very first flutters not long ago. This is real. This is happening.

My lucky charm is coming March 2013.




Today was my due date


  1. Darren Byrd

    Yay! I knew you wouldn’t give up. I am very happy for you. You will be changing diapers and gagging at the smell before you know it!

  2. tears in my eyes.
    17 weeks!
    heilige poep.
    you are almost halfway there!!!!!
    xxx from all us us

  3. Alena

    AHHHHHH congrats!!!! I am so excited for you!!!

  4. I am so very excited for you. When I saw your post on Instagram, my jaw dropped I wasn’t expecting it lol. I am so happy for you.

  5. Oh, the happy tears! Congratulations!!!

  6. Tami

    Congrats!! I’m so excited for you guys!!! Maybe you got the girl genes!!

  7. Mom Gratcyk

    Very sweet movie! Congrats to all!

    Love you . . .

    Mom Gratcyk

  8. I am THRILLED for you!!! I was just wondering about you the other day. So glad your post popped up in my reader. Your video is adorable, as are both/all of you. Congratulations, mama!

  9. This is brilliant news – I’m so pleased for you and looking forward to hearing your updates.

  10. Congratulations! I’m so excited for you.

  11. That was an adorable announcement! Congratulations and I hope everything goes well for you.

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