This year I just haven’t been into Christmas. I started out excited but I could never get into it. Now it’s a week away and I’m just… completely neutral about it. Not excited, not dreading, just kind of numb to the whole thing.
Actually that could kind of describe my outlook on life right now. Meh.
It’s kind of a bummer way to feel. I can’t figure out why either.
I need some suggestions on how to snap out of this funk, if you can still call it a funk. Otherwise I’m going to end up in the nut house. I can’t keep this up forever.
In an attempt to rev my Christmas spirit I’m going to list what I’m excited about.
1. Seeing my sister Liz and nephew Hunter. They moved to California a year ago and I miss them x billion. I haven’t seen them since I visited them last January. (btw click that link and watch the video. It’s still makes me laugh out loud.) They arrive next Wednesday night and I cannot wait to see them.
2. Christmas eve dinner with my grandparents and extended family. Always a good time. My family is amazing.
3. The food. Gosh I love holiday meals. I literally just finished eating a second ago and the thought of having a holiday meal is making me drool all over this keyboard. Mmmm
4. Christmas morning at my mom and dad’s. Again with my family being amazing.
5. Christmas night with Joel’s family. It’s going to be a little different since so far we’ve always spent all day Christmas with my family. But I got really lucky with my in-laws and so it will be fun to see them.
6. Christmas movies. I’ve watched some but I’m looking forward to watching my favorites: A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Grinch, Home Alone, all the claymation specials etc. I’m sure those will put me in more of a Christmas mood.
I actually feel better already. This year it’s not about presents, it’s about spending time with the people I love the most. That should be enough to get anyone out of a funk.
I'm kind of the same way. I usually love Christmas but just don't feel "into" it this year for some reason. I think focusing on things we're excited for is probably a good idea 🙂
I hope you found your Christmas spirit. I did but in a totally different way than I expected. I didn't even get to do all the things I was excited for and somehow managed to have a wonderful Christmas anyway. I hope yours was equally as full of love.