Today we had my family over to celebrate Joel’s birthday. He doesn’t actually turn ::cough:: 29 ::cough:: until Wednesday but having my family drive all the way out is generally only possible on the weekend. Joel and I will celebrate his birthday just the two of us later this week but for tonight he enjoyed the crazy attention my family offers.
It wasn’t anything big or fancy but there was plenty of love. And that’s what really matters.
Oh and that pie? Definitely bought it at the store. I wasn’t about to risk losing a hand two days in a row.
So when Hunter looked at this picture, he thought that Joel was David, even when I told him to look again, he was still convinced. Must be the hair? lol Well maybe Joel will feel a little better knowing his nephew thinks he looks like a teenager.
That is awesome. Joel laughed really hard when he read it. They do have kind of similar hair now don't they? Guess it's time for a trim, hehe.
Bobbi Janay
I am in love with the dogs face in the picture.
I saw the movie. Thanks for your comment. I'm glad that I've connected with you through my writing. That is definitely the whole reason I blog, for connections like that. Thank you for sharing with me.
Oh and the pie? Delicious and not even a little homemade.
Oh, my goodness. Phoebe's face is SO priceless!!!! Also Happy Birthday to Joel!
Isn't it? I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. She is too funny.