You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

This sucks

Because I can’t remember the last time I was this sick. Joel even mentioned it today. He can’t remember seeing me have this bad of a cold/flu since we’ve been married. I’m not one that gets sick often. However, when I get sick, I get Sick. I’ve hardly had any appetite which never happens. Heck, usually even when I’m all pukey I’m usually craving pizza. I’m just weird like that. This time though I can’t smell or taste anything which makes eating totally uninteresting to me. I also can’t go 2 minutes without blowing my nose because it’s about to drip down my face. Stuffy and drippy. Nice. Having tissues glued to my face makes eating much trickier, especially if I want to continue breathing. Now the cold has moved firmly into my chest which has left me with a barking cough almost every time I try to breath in. Funness.

Joel has been the sweetest through all this. He’s gotten me whatever I wanted to try to eat. He even picked up the cutest get well card. What I’d really like are some snuggles though. That’s the one thing he can’t give me. With all the steroids he’s been on he really shouldn’t even be in the same house as me. Since we don’t have a second home anywhere we’ve just had to settle for keeping our distance from each other. Sucks, sucks, sucks.

Anyway, I’ve had to call off work which is lame because there really aren’t many people to cover for me and I’m losing money. Obviously no one would want me to serve them food with tissues hanging out of my nose though. Plus I don’t want to pass this on to the other people at work. When I came back I was told there was something going around and one person even said they were sick the two days I worked with them. With my immune system compromised from all the stress of the trip and then Joel being sick I just couldn’t handle it apparently. Have I mentioned this sucks?

So that’s the deal. Even lying on the couch typing this up has exhausted me. I’m beyond incoherent. My plan is not to move from the couch unless absolutely necessary until this thing is totally gone. I’ll update tomorrow more about how I’m doing and will return to blogging about India on Monday. Because if I’m not better by then…. well I just better be better. Besides, nobody reads blogs on the weekends anyway. Right?


There is a reason they call it a world wonder




  1. I am so sorry you're so sick!! 🙁 and not being able to get healing hubby snuggles 🙁

    Sending good thoughts, hugs, and prayers your way.

    • Yeah that was the hardest parts. I need snuggles to get better. Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts. They really helped.

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