I have a soft spot for all things small and furry.* Things like puppies and kittens make me act and talk like an idiot actually.

I mean, look at their widdle cutie faces

See? Baby talk. Ridiculous. However, I seriously can’t help it.

I bet you can’t either.

Anyway, these darling widdle kitties were found in a friend of mine’s garage the other day. Unfortunately the owner of the home told her she has to get rid of them. Soon. In fact, they may be in danger of getting dumped altogether. That kills me.

I would take them but because of the way our lease works it just isn’t possible. They need a home fast. I don’t want these sweet little kittens to end up on the street or worse. I’ve emailed several local shelters but so far have had no responses. I’m at a loss so I thought I’d turn to the internet. They’re kittens. It can’t be that hard to find a good home for a sweet little kitten, can it?

If you have any ideas or live in the Chicago land area and would like to make one of these sweethearts a part of your family please contact me ASAP.

Please email me for more information: abigail (at) skywaitress (dot) com.
