You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

What we do for fun

My little sister is out of school for the summer so we had her over for a few days. I think we had a blast. She may or may not agree.

Yup, totally put her to work. What? Isn’t that what you do for a good time?


Oh, huh… Well we also took a little trip up to Six Flags.

Maybe that was a little more fun than the light dusting I made asked her to do.

While it may look like I am way shorter than Anna in this picture since I can barely show my face that is not the case. She had a box to stand on. I was forced to be on my tippy toes. I’m still taller than one of my siblings (even though I’m the oldest) hmph.

Joel, before the ride.

Joel after the ride. His hair = classic

As we were leaving I spotted this dude:

Please someone tell me why you would ever need a robot bigger than a man? Also? How can I get one because it’s kind of awesome.


Yay Chicago!


Bowling is like golf right?


  1. I’ll come work for u if I get to go to Six Flags!!!

  2. I thought it was a fair trade. 🙂 But she’s my sister. I only put those related to me by blood to work.

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