You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Who’s afraid of the big bad internet?

I was informed by E’s dad yesterday that they don’t want her pictures “out there” on the internet. I had already posted the previous post so I have now password protected it. If you would like the password you can email me: abigail [at] It’s their kid and they can raise her however they want. I admit I am frustrated because such a big part of my life is blogging. Since I don’t like the idea of password protecting many more of my posts E just can’t be a part of my online life. Oh well, I’ve got plenty of adorable nephews for my kiddo fix until Joel and I decide to have our own. I guarantee our kids’ pictures are going to be all over my blog. *smile*

Edit: I received a letter asking me to take down the password protected post as well as any references to the parties involved.  I consider this my personal journal, as well as a public blog, so it is now a private post which is viewable only by me. I have also removed all names so there is no identifying information in this post.


My addiction


Awareness Test

1 Comment

  1. Jeez.
    I could say a lot more but i wont. You are right. It’s their baby so their wish should be respected.
    But jeez!

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