You Only Live Once, This Is How I'm Doing It!

Next time you think you’ve had a crazy flight

visit this website.

Flights from Hell

You can either contribute or feel a little better about your experience. As a flight attendant I definitely enjoyed it.


Happy New Year!



1 Comment

  1. Irma


    I stumbled upon your au pair blog as I searched endlessly to find more
    information about becoming an au pair. I am living in Vancouver
    Canada and I want to go to Europe. Do you have a suggestion for an
    agency or a family contact?
    I went on a website which basically required me to sign up and look up
    families but some replies I received seemed a little “too good to be
    true”. This is why I decided to email you since you’ve done this
    Well, if you have time please email me any information you can think
    off! Thank you.

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