Yesterday I passed from being a teenager into the world of “twenty somethings”. Craziness! lol. It was a good birthday, my mom took me shopping for some clothes (I made out like a bandit by the way. Two pairs of jeans and three shirts for under $50!)
Then in the evening Joel took me out to eat in Chicago and we went to the “invitation only” premiere of Pericles at the Goodman theater. It was amazingly well done. It was also really interesting being in a theater where everyone knew everyone else. Being invitation only it was full of different critics, actors, directors ect. from all over the Chicago area. So, there was a lot of waving from across the theater and talking and laughing that doesn’t normally go on during your average show. We got tickets because Joel’s dad works at the Goodman so he gave us the hookup, hehe.
Anyway, it was a good birthday and tonight I’ll be having dinner with my immediate family since it’s my “birthday week”, woo hoo! Thank you to everyone who called and sent me cards and everything, it really helped make my birthday a special day. *big smile*
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