Blogger, you are seriously fired! *sigh* what is up with my pictures not showing up anymore? Is anybody else having this problem? Because ever since they changed the way you can put pictures up it’s given me nothing but trouble…not cool 😛
On a happier note, I went to the dance parade in Rotterdam today. It was fun and I got to meet a really fun new girl from the Czech Republic. The stupid thing is, she’s leaving in a month and considering I’m going to be in Romania for the next three weeks this is probably the only time I’m going to see her *sigh* So much for that. The parade itself was interesting. I took some fun pictures but I’m not going to even try to post them now because Blogger is fired, it’s just not worth the frustration. Basically it was dozens of semis full of dancing people, each one trying to out-blast the semi in front and behind them with their own dance music and beats. Honestly it was a bit overwhelming. You couldn’t hear anything at all except the music. Seriously nothing, talking was just not an option. Once I got used to the changing and overlapping music I enjoyed it though.
We didn’t end up watching the entire parade, mostly because after about thirty or forty five minutes the loudness of everything gave me a headache. We decided to get something to eat and along the way I ran into way too many sales. I ended up buying some clothes that it’s debatable whether I needed or not and some really fun boots that I definitely did need (Twenty seven euros for boots I’ve wanted for about a year, people! How could I resist? *smile*). The rest of the afternoon we spent just walking around and talking. We’re thinking about meeting up tomorrow for Romantic Music day at the park. I went last year with my family and it was really beautiful. We’ll see what the weather’s going to do though I guess.
So yeah, that was my day. I’m sorry that I’m a little frustrated with technology today since both Blogger and MySpace are decided to act stupid. That’s life though and on a whole I had a really nice day. *smile*
Note: pictures are back up so whatever was wrong is fixed now, thank goodness. hopefully they can keep their act together…
You had problems with Blogger and MySpace, and I had trouble with Hotmail and blog-comment spam. Technology may be fighting back!